Webinar: Instilling Self-Regulation in Learners & Using Sway for Online Learning

Mae’r Academi Arddangos yn lle i rannu arferion da ymhlith staff o Aberystwyth, Bangor a sefydliadau Addysg Uwch eraill. Bob blwyddyn rydym yn cynnal dwy sesiwn gyda dau gyflwyniad ym mhob sesiwn, un o Aber ac un o Fangor. Gall unrhyw un ymuno â’r Academi Arddangos o’u peiriannau eu hunain drwy ddefnyddio’r ddolen sydd ar gael yma

Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at y cyflwyniadau eleni a gobeithio y bydd modd i rai ohonoch ymuno â ni.

20 Mawrth 2019 am 1yp-2yp

Instilling Self-Regulation in Learners by Dr Simon Payne (Aberystwyth)

We asked AU students and staff questions such as, “Why do students underachieve or even drop out?,” “What distractions do students face that interfere with their best intentions to study and improve?,” and “What happens to ‘turn students off’ from learning and striving to achieve?” The answers were remarkably similar from both groups, suggesting agreement on the problem and potential alignment on solutions. Self-regulation is the voluntary control of impulses which can facilitate or hinder us from achieving our goals. Hence, self-regulation includes the ability to regulate cognitive processes and activities, e.g. to plan, monitor and reflect on problem solving activities. Self-regulation also includes the control of one’s competing/conflicting motivational and emotional impulses and processes, e.g., overcoming social anxiety to contribute in class. Clearly, the development of self-regulation skills will help students achieve their objectives for entering HE. This presentation will provide techniques for tutors to help their students and tutees to be better self-regulators, and introduce and rationalise an ambitious AU-wide programme of studies that target student self-regulation ability.

Using Sway for Online Learning by Helen Munro (Bangor)

Cynhelir y sesiynau yn Saesneg.


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