Fel arweinydd ein rhaglen TUAAU, rwy’n cadw llygad allan am adnoddau i helpu staff i addysgu’n effeithiol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys gweminarau, podlediadau, pecynnau cymorth ar-lein, cyhoeddiadau a mwy. Mae’r pynciau’n cynnwys dysgu gweithredol, addysgu ar-lein/cyfunol, hygyrchedd/cynhwysiant, a dylunio dysgu effeithiol yn seiliedig ar wyddoniaeth wybyddol. Rwyf wedi rhestru isod eitemau y sylwais arnynt yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Er mwyn eglurder, ein polisi yw dangos y teitlau a’r disgrifiadau yn yr iaith y cyflwynir yr adnoddau ynddi.
Digwyddiadau a gweminarau ar-lein
- Monthly series European Network for Academic Integrity, ENAI monthly webinars free open webinars on various topics related to academic integrity
- 11/10/2022 Heriot-Watt University Learning & Teaching Symposium, Working alongside students to evaluate teaching, learning and assessment
- 12/10/2022 Heriot-Watt University Learning & Teaching Symposium, Supporting Student Learning through Effective Feedback
- 10/10/2022 Centre for Research in Digital Education, Decarbonising Computer Science: Making sustainability a key component of our curriculum
- 12/10/2022 Creative History in the Classroom, Workshop 2 Gendering & Queering
- 14-21/10/2022 UWE Bristol Higher Education Pedagogies, Policy and Practice Research Network (HEPPP), Exploring expertise in teaching in higher education: The artistry of teaching
- 18/10/2022 “Talking Teaching Across the Globe” at Oxford Brookes, A manifesto for the sustainable development of course and programme leaders in Higher Education
- 18/10/2022 Jisc, Supporting learners’ digital identity and wellbeing
- 19/10/2022 Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars, How Best to Engage our Students in 2022/23
- 19/10/2022 WonkHE, Belong from the beginning: Building connections, confidence and inclusion at university
- 2/11/2022 SCARN, SCARN – Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2022
- 10/11/2022 Student Assessment and Classification Working Group Seminar, Playing by the Rules: Assessment Regulations and Taught PG Programmes
- 11 & 12/2022 QAA, Hallmarks of Success Playbook Sprint: Student-Centred Learning and Teaching
- Workshop: 7 November, 14:00-16:00
- Check-in 1: 17 November, 10:00-11:30
- Check-in 2: 6 December, 10:00-11:30
- Finish: 14 December, 10:00-11:30
Adnoddau a chyhoeddiadau
- Blake, S. (6/10/2022), Students don’t expect perfection, they expect us to listen, Wonk HE
- Charfe, L. & Gardner, A. (31/7/2020), ‘Does my Haltung look big in this?’: The use of social pedagogical theory for the development of ethical and value-led practice, International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 9(1)
- Corradini, E. (5/10/2022), Developing pedagogical content knowledge through the integration of education research and practice in higher education, The SEDA Blog
- Kuepper-Tetzel, C. & Crimmins, G. (28/9/2022), Access Is Not Inclusion: Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education – A Summary (1-hour video), TILE Network
- Martin, S., Álvarez, A. M., & Espasa, A. (6/9/2022), Video feedback and foreign language anxiety in online pronunciation tasks, Media & Learning
- Martin, S., Alvarez, I. M. & Espasa, A (2022), Video feedback and Foreign Language Anxiety in online pronunciation tasks, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19(19)
- The Student Lens (25/8/2022), Ep. 6 Welcome Diverse Perspectives (2-minute video)
- Tomas, C. & Reid, K. (1/9/2022), Designing programmes for learning: foundations and aspirations, Advance HE News & Views
- Venet, A. S. (13/3/2021), Equity-centred, Trauma-informed Education, Norton
- Webster, H. (27/9/2022), Building student ‘Belonging’, Advance HE News & Views
- Subscribe to SEDA’s mailing list for email discussions about educational development and emerging teaching practices. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Follow University of Birmingham’s Higher Education Futures institute HEFi on Twitter for daily posts with links to pedagogical literature and more. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Join the #LTHEchat on Twitter Wednesday nights for one hour of lively discussion about learning and teaching in HE.
- Call for proposals due 9/10/2022 for SCARN Annual Learning and Teaching conference
- Call for submissions due 21/10/20922 for Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference –@SocMedHE #SocMedHE2022
Ewch i’r dudalen archebu Hyfforddiant Staff i weld pa hyfforddiant a gynigir gan yr Uned Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu a staff eraill Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Gobeithio y bydd y crynodeb wythnosol hwn o adnoddau yn ddefnyddiol ichi. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu awgrymiadau, cysylltwch â’n tîm ar lteu@aber.ac.uk. Efallai hefyd yr hoffech ddilyn fy nghyfrif Twitter, Mary Jacob L&T.