Fel darlithydd ym maes dysgu ac addysgu sy’n gyfrifol am y TUAAU, rwy’n cadw llygad am adnoddau newydd i gynorthwyo ein staff i ddysgu’n effeithiol ar-lein. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gweminarau allanol, pecynnau cymorth, cyhoeddiadau ac adnoddau eraill. Oherwydd bod dysgu gweithredol yn cael blaenoriaeth ar agenda’r Brifysgol, rwy’n hynod o awyddus i rannu canllawiau ar gyfer symud dysgu gweithredol ar-lein.
Rwyf wedi rhestru isod eitemau y sylwais arnynt yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Er mwyn eglurder, ein polisi yw dangos y teitlau a’r disgrifiadau yn yr iaith y cyflwynir yr adnoddau ynddi.
- 8/7/2020 – Advance HE. ‘Safe(r) for staff? Equality implications for ‘re-opening’ university and college campuses in the age of COVID-19‘
- 8/7/2020 – Advance HE. ‘Learning spaces and beyond: connected learning while physical distancing‘
- 15/7/2020 – Jisc. ‘Learning and teaching reimagined: best emerging practice?‘
- 16/7/2020 – ‘Using MS Teams and OneNote to deliver lecture-style content‘
- 16/7/2020 – Advance HE. ‘Team-Based Learning: Creating human connections in digital teaching’
- 26-27/8/2020 Association for Learning Technology (ALT) ‘Online Summer Summit‘
- Jisc. Accessibility Community of Practice
- Carpenter, Shana K. et al. (June 2020) ‘On Students’ (Mis)judgments of Learning and Teaching Effectiveness‘. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. (9)2.
- CDE Recordings. Jumping online Webinars ‘Sustaining Quality Learning’
- CDE Recordings. Jumping online Webinars ‘What have we learned?’
- Clay, James. Jisc. ‘Facilitating positive change through a crisis – As universities consider reopening campuses for the autumn term,’head of HE and student experience James Clay explores how online learning will fit into the new landscape.’
- Clay, James. The Pie. ‘Reimagining contact hours‘
- Cooper, Kate. History UK. ‘Should we stop worrying about contact hours?‘
- ‘Digital Education Practices Podcast series’
- Lukes, Dominik. Media and Learning News – ‘The 6-Tasks Framework for thinking about instructional video‘
- Robson, Louise. Media and Learning News – ‘Online active learning in an emergency pivot – it’s active learning, but not as we know it’
- ‘Transforming Assessment webinar series‘
- White, Dave. ‘The need for Presence not ‘Contact Hours’’
Ewch i’r dudalen archebu Hyfforddiant Staff i weld pa hyfforddiant a gynigir gan yr Uned Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu a staff eraill Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Gobeithio y bydd y crynodeb wythnosol hwn o adnoddau yn ddefnyddiol ichi. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu awgrymiadau, cysylltwch â’n tîm ar lteu@aber.ac.uk. Efallai hefyd yr hoffech ddilyn fy nghyfrif Twitter, Mary Jacob L&T.