Fel arweinydd ein rhaglen TUAAU, rwy’n cadw llygad allan am adnoddau i helpu staff i addysgu’n effeithiol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys gweminarau, podlediadau, pecynnau cymorth ar-lein, cyhoeddiadau a mwy. Mae’r pynciau’n cynnwys dysgu gweithredol, addysgu ar-lein/cyfunol, hygyrchedd/cynhwysiant, a dylunio dysgu effeithiol yn seiliedig ar wyddoniaeth wybyddol. Rwyf wedi rhestru isod eitemau y sylwais arnynt yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Er mwyn eglurder, ein polisi yw dangos y teitlau a’r disgrifiadau yn yr iaith y cyflwynir yr adnoddau ynddi.
Digwyddiadau a gweminarau ar-lein
- 7/2/2023 Equity Unbound with Anna Mills & Maha Bali, Critically Incorporating AI into Teaching: Developing AI Literacy
- 8/2/2023 Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars, Pedagogy and Practice when Teaching and Learning Online, including a discussion of ChatGPT
- 8/2/2023 University of London Centre for Distance and Online Education (CODE), De-colonising digital education: Bridging the great divide
- 8/2/2023 UDL UK and Ireland Network, UDL Instructional Design Workshop ‘Learn how to create instructional experiences using the UDL principles as part of a structured, facilitated process called CUTLAS’
- 9/2/2023 INRAP, Designing inclusive assessment: opportunities and challenges
- 9/2/2023 Academic Development Centre, University of Warwick, Making feedback work
- 9/2/2023 University of London Centre for Online and Distance Education (CODE), Understanding our evolving digital practice: Scholarship and research of teaching
- 13/2/2023 QAA Scotland, Where in the world is enhancement? Exploring the international impact of Scotland’s enhancement approach
- 16/2/2023 Academic Development Centre, University of Warwick, The place and case for lectures and lecture capture in the new normal
- 22/2/2023 Vevox Pedagogy 2023 series, Daniel Fitzpatrick presents ‘Using Vevox in whole class and small group teaching’
- 23/2/2023 Future Teacher Webinars, Working with Rich Media 1 – Images
- 7-8/3/2023 Jisc, DigiFest (hybrid online and in person) “Innovation takes collaboration; it takes connection; it takes networks. It takes questions: why do you do that? what if I tried this? why not?”
- 14/3/2023 University of Sheffield ScHARR Short course, Creating Digital Accessible Teaching Materials
- 22/3/2023 Vevox Pedagogy 2023 series, Laura Jenkins, University of Loughborough, presents ‘Use Vevox for formative and mid-module feedback’
- 22/2/2023 NewT Talk series for new or aspiring academics, “Stephanie Aldred will talk about internationalization in HE and William Machaca will share his career story which has many international dimensions”
- 29/3/2023 UDL UK and Ireland Network, UDL Instructional Design Workshop, “Learn how to create instructional experiences using the UDL principles as part of a structured, facilitated process called CUTLAS”
- 24-28/4/2023 QAA, Assessment Festival “We will dare to be controversial, ask those difficult questions and take a forward-facing look at how assessment may evolve. The festival will bring different voices from the sector to share and celebrate assessment practices that enhance student experience.”
- 26/4/2023 Vevox Pedagogy 2023 series, Alex Pitchford, Aberystwyth University, presents ‘Increasing Engagement & Active Learning using Vevox in Maths and Sciences’
- 9-11/5/2023 University of Liverpool CIE, Islands of Innovation
- 17-18/5/2023 Change Agents Network conference, Reimagining student/staff partnerships to generate new learning opportunities (call for proposals open until 13/3/2023)
Adnoddau a chyhoeddiadau
- Bali, M. (3/2/2023), On Equity and Trust and AI, Reflecting Allowed: Maha Bali’s blog about education
- Evans, C. (12/2022), Equity, Agency and Transparency Framework (EAT), Inclusive HE
- Furze, L (26/1/2023), Teaching AI Ethics (poster), Leon Furze: Reading, Writing, Digital
- Grieve, R., Woodley, J., Hunt, S. E. & McKay, A. (15/7/2021) Student fears of oral presentations and public speaking in higher education: a qualitative survey, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45:9, 1281-1293
- Moriarty, P. & Merrifield, M. (28/7/2020), Death of the Lecture (15-minute video), Sixty Symbols
- Moss, P. (1/2/2023), Group Formation – the role of gender, Learning Design by Paul G Moss
- Payne, A. L. & McArthur, J. (2023), A Womanist Approach to Care-full Feedback, Teachers Going Gradeless
- QAA (30/1/2023), QAA Briefs Members on Artificial Intelligence Threat to Academic Integrity, QAA News & Events (with downloadable guidance document)
- TEL edvisors (2/2/2023), The AI (ChatGPT) future: What do we do now?, TELedvisors webinar with David Cormier and Tim Fawns (1-hour video)
- Thomson, S. (1/2/2023), DigiEd Dilemmas Season 1 Episode 1 – Hyflex (42-minute audio recording)
- Monthly series European Network for Academic Integrity, ENAI monthly webinars free open webinars on various topics related to academic integrity
- Subscribe to SEDA’s mailing list for email discussions about educational development and emerging teaching practices. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Follow University of Birmingham’s Higher Education Futures institute HEFi on Twitter for daily posts with links to pedagogical literature and more. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Join the #LTHEchat on Twitter Wednesday nights for one hour of lively discussion about learning and teaching in HE. I often find out about good resources for the Roundup from the chat.
- Call for submissions due 3/3/2023, Active Learning Network, 2023 Global Online Festival of Active Learning
Ewch i’r dudalen archebu Hyfforddiant Staff i weld pa hyfforddiant a gynigir gan yr Uned Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu a staff eraill Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Gobeithio y bydd y crynodeb wythnosol hwn o adnoddau yn ddefnyddiol ichi. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu awgrymiadau, cysylltwch â’n tîm ar lteu@aber.ac.uk. Efallai hefyd yr hoffech ddilyn fy nghyfrif Twitter, Mary Jacob L&T.