Fel arweinydd ein rhaglen TUAAU, rwy’n cadw llygad allan am adnoddau i helpu staff i addysgu’n effeithiol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys gweminarau, podlediadau, pecynnau cymorth ar-lein, cyhoeddiadau a mwy. Mae’r pynciau’n cynnwys dysgu gweithredol, addysgu ar-lein/cyfunol, hygyrchedd/cynhwysiant, a dylunio dysgu effeithiol yn seiliedig ar wyddoniaeth wybyddol. Rwyf wedi rhestru isod eitemau y sylwais arnynt yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Er mwyn eglurder, ein polisi yw dangos y teitlau a’r disgrifiadau yn yr iaith y cyflwynir yr adnoddau ynddi.
Digwyddiadau a gweminarau ar-lein
- Workshops throughout the month, EduExe Festival
- June, July, and August Equity Unbound, MyFest
- 20-21/6/2023 University of Warwick, Technology Enhanced Active Learning Festival (TEALfest)
- 21/6/2023 University of Central Lancashire, Exploring innovative approaches in learning, teaching and assessment
- 22/6/2023 Centre for Online and Distance Education (CODE) University of London, Sustainable approaches to managing technology for learning
- 28/6/2023 IFNTF, The pedagogical potential of work-based learning placements – a “missing” link between theory and practice for employability within higher education
- 28/6/2023 UDL UK and Ireland Network, UDL Instructional Design Workshop
- 29/6/2023 Future Teacher Webinars, Getting savvy with digital tools and resources
- 30/6/2023 Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT) “Implications and Ethical Dimensions of using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Teaching, Learning and Assessment“, in-person at King’s College London, Strand campus
- 30/6/2023 EmpowerED: A Webinar Series for Embracing Innovation in Teaching and Learning
- 6/7/2023 Jisc, Rethinking learning and curriculum design (in-person at University of Northampton)
- 12/7/2023 ENAI and University of Derby, European Conference on Ethics and Integrity in Academia (hybrid in person and online)
- 14 and 17/7/2023 Ravensbourne University London, Inclusive Learning Design book launch with Virna Rossi
- 20/7/2023 Active Learning Network, International Active Learning Conference (call for proposals open until 9/6/2023)
- 2/8/2023 UDL UK and Ireland Network, UDL Instructional Design Workshop
- 4/8/2023 UNESCO Campus IESALC, ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education (online course)
Adnoddau a chyhoeddiadau – Deallusrwydd Artiffisial (DA)
- Anthony, P. (15/6/2023), AI in Education: Unleashing Creativity and Collaboration (playlist of video recordings), Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars, University of Kent
- Attewell, S. (14/6/2023), Meeting student needs: Equipping students for generative AI in tertiary education, National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education
- Attewell, S. (14/6/2023), Exploring the role of generative AI in assessments: A student perspective, National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education
- European Parliament (14/6/2023), EU AI Act: first regulation on artificial intelligence, European Parliament News / Society
- Fawns, T. & Jacob, M. (15/6/2023), 10 minute chats – generative AI – Mary Jacob, Monash Education Academy
- Hartley, P., Beckingham, S. & Irving-Bell, D. (), Taking advantage of ChatGPT et al (ideally before the end of the world), The SEDA Blog
- Liang, W,. Yuksekgonul, M., Mao, Y., Wu, E. & Zou, J. (18/4/2023), GPT detectors are biased against non-native English, arXiv, Cornell University
- Myers, A. (15/6/2023), AI-Detectors Biased Against Non-Native English Writers, Stanford University, Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (this blog post highlights key messages from Liang et al)
- Office of Educational Technology (5/2023), Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning, US Department of Education
- Singer, N. (8/6/2023), New A.I. Chatbot Tutors Could Upend Student Learning, New York Times, “Proponents see the tools as a way to automatically customize academic support. They could also make children test subjects for A.I. experiments.”
- Weiser, B. & Schweber, N. (8/6/2023), The ChatGPT Lawyer Explains Himself, New York Times, “In a cringe-inducing court hearing, a lawyer who relied on A.I. to craft a motion full of made-up case law said he “did not comprehend” that the chat bot could lead him astray.”
Adnoddau a chyhoeddiadau – Arall
- EAT Erasmus (multiple dates), EAT-Erasmus Webinar Series on Self-Regulation in Assessment (playlist of 1-hour video recordings)
- Mihai, A. (12/6/2023), Coaching for employability: Facilitating students’ transition to the workplace, The Educationalist
- Saunders, R. & Byron, K. (7/6/2023), S2E34 – Kevin Byron on brainstorming (36-minute audio recording), L&T Chatshow podcast series
- Tai, J. (13/6/2023), ADCET Webinar: Inclusive assessment for students with disability (1-hour video recording), Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training
- Monthly series European Network for Academic Integrity, ENAI monthly webinars free open webinars on various topics related to academic integrity
- Subscribe to SEDA’s mailing list for email discussions about educational development and emerging teaching practices. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Follow University of Birmingham’s Higher Education Futures institute HEFi on Twitter for daily posts with links to pedagogical literature and more. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Join the #LTHEchat on Twitter Wednesday nights for one hour of lively discussion about learning and teaching in HE. I often find out about good resources for the Roundup from the chat.
Ewch i’r dudalen archebu Hyfforddiant Staff i weld pa hyfforddiant a gynigir gan yr Uned Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu a staff eraill Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Gobeithio y bydd y crynodeb wythnosol hwn o adnoddau yn ddefnyddiol ichi. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu awgrymiadau, cysylltwch â’n tîm ar lteu@aber.ac.uk. Efallai hefyd yr hoffech ddilyn fy nghyfrif Twitter, Mary Jacob L&T.