Fel arweinydd ein rhaglen TUAAU, rwy’n cadw llygad allan am adnoddau i helpu staff i addysgu’n effeithiol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys gweminarau, podlediadau, pecynnau cymorth ar-lein, cyhoeddiadau a mwy. Mae’r pynciau’n cynnwys dysgu gweithredol, addysgu ar-lein/cyfunol, hygyrchedd/cynhwysiant, a dylunio dysgu effeithiol yn seiliedig ar wyddoniaeth wybyddol. Rwyf wedi rhestru isod eitemau y sylwais arnynt yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Er mwyn eglurder, ein polisi yw dangos y teitlau a’r disgrifiadau yn yr iaith y cyflwynir yr adnoddau ynddi.
Digwyddiadau a gweminarau ar-lein
- June, July & August Equity Unbound, MYFest Choose-your-own-learning journey of openness, digital literacies, community building, critical pedagogy, wellbeing & joy, see programme for details
- 3-24/5/2022 Birmingham City University, Decolonising HE Academic Practice – Lectures, Provocations, and Roundtables
- 24/5/2022 Blackboard, Teaching and Learning Conference Europe 2022
- 26/5/2022 Birmingham City University, Basic Principles of Decolonising Academic Practice – Roundtable
- 26/5/2022 Future Teacher Webinars, Collaborative teaching and learning – inside and outside the classroom – Reflected
- 27/5/2022 INRAP, Cross-national Perspectives to Inclusive Assessment in Higher Education
- 1/6/2022 Transforming Assessment, Student perspectives on audio feedback
- 8/6/2022 Digitally Enhanced Education Webinar (including Professor Kathleen M. Quinlan & Dr Edd Pitt (University of Kent): Digitally enhanced assessment and feedback: promising practices from the literature 2016-2022 and more.)
- 8-9/6/2022 QAA Scotland, Enhancement Conference 2022: Resilient Learning Communities – Inclusive, Flexible and Accessible (hybrid online and in person)
- 9/6/2022 CDE and the University of London Institute in Paris, The hybrid experience for the practitioner
- 9/6/2022 Advance HE, Assessment and feedback webinar
- 13, 20, & 29/6/2022 Advance HE, Assessment and feedback summit
- 14-16/6/2022 University of Edinburgh, Learning & Teaching Conference (hybrid in person and online)
- 16-18/6/2022 Centre for Distance Education, University of London, Conference on Research in Distance Education (RIDE) Accelerating innovation (hybrid online and in person at Glasgow)
- 26-27/6/2022 Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) International Conference
- 6-8/7/2022 Playful Learning Conference
- 12-13/7/2022 University of Hull Learning and Teaching Conference 2022, Personalised Pedagogies: inclusive, empowering and progressive higher education for all, see full programme
Adnoddau a chyhoeddiadau
- Academic Engagement Team, Aberystwyth University (n.d.), Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness, LibGuides
- Bacchus, R., Colvin, E., Knight, E. B., & Ritter, L. (2020), When rubrics aren’t enough: Exploring exemplars and student rubric co-construction, Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 17(1), 48-61
- Byrd, I. (n.d.), Torrance’s Manifesto for Children, Byrdseed
- Collins, M., Childs, M., & Jacob, M. (5/5/2022), Are learning styles the boss level zombie of neuromyths? (42-minute audio recording), Pedagodzilla, the pedagogical podcast with a pop culture core
- Future Teacher Talks (4/2022), Knowing what they know (webinar recordings and materials from Emily Patterson, Jekaterina Mihhaljova, Mary Jacob, Tamsin Cathan Davies, Helen Williams)
- Lawrence, J. (12/5/2022), Inclusive Academic Practice as Pedagogic Competence, The SEDA Blog
- Nadan, T. (17/5/2022), Reflections & contributions CIE Islands of Innovation 2022, Digital, Equitable & International HigherEd
- Parthner, C. (15/3/2022), Open Access Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Resources, International Centre for Academic Integrity
- Roberts, D. (14/5/2022), EDI: A seat at the table, not crumbs from the floor, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Loughborough University
- To, J., Panadero, E., & Carless, D. (2021), A systematic review of the educational uses and effects of exemplars, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
- Wong, P. & Compton, M. (18/5/2022), Stop Weighing Your Pigs! A discussion on ungrading (Part 1) (27-minute audio recording), My Liminal Pod podcast series
- Yorke, J., Sefcik, L., & Veeran-Colton, T. (2/2/2022), Contract cheating and blackmail: a risky business?, Studies in Higher Education, 47(1), 53-66
Note: Thanks to Noweira, A. M. for highlighting the articles about exemplars in a thread on Twitter.
- Subscribe to SEDA’s mailing list for email discussions about educational development and emerging teaching practices. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Follow University of Birmingham’s Higher Education Futures institute HEFi on Twitter for daily posts with links to pedagogical literature and more. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Join the #LTHEchat on Twitter Wednesday nights for one hour of lively discussion about learning and teaching in HE.
- Call for proposals 1/6/2022 Distance Education, Special Issue on Addressing the ‘challenging’ elements of learning at a distance
- Call for proposals 30/6/2022 Transformative Teaching international online conference.
- Call for proposals 31/5/2022 Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Conference
Ewch i’r dudalen archebu Hyfforddiant Staff i weld pa hyfforddiant a gynigir gan yr Uned Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu a staff eraill Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Gobeithio y bydd y crynodeb wythnosol hwn o adnoddau yn ddefnyddiol ichi. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu awgrymiadau, cysylltwch â’n tîm ar lteu@aber.ac.uk. Efallai hefyd yr hoffech ddilyn fy nghyfrif Twitter, Mary Jacob L&T.