Panopto Viewer Statistics

To see who’s watching your Panopto videos, for how long, when, and which portions take a look at the statistics for your Panopto videos.

From September 2018 Panopto users with Creator access can see the number of views by date for a recording, the length of time a recording has been viewed, a list of users who have viewed the recording with the number of views they have made and the amount of minutes they have viewed, and a heat map, showing which points of a video viewers have engaged with for their Panopto videos.

Users can view the number of views per day, including unique visitors and minutes watched and viewer engagement with the video, check which users have viewed their video, how many times and for how long as well as downloading Excel reports of views per day, viewer engagement and top viewers.

To find and review the statistics for your Panopto videos see Faq 697 .

Note: Users can only access statistics for videos they have created or uploaded.

2 thoughts on “Panopto Viewer Statistics

  1. Pingback: Making use of the captioning and quiz function in Panopto | Aber E-learning

  2. Pingback: Defnyddio’r adnoddau sgrindeitlo a chwisiau yn Panopto | Uned Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu

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