Call for Proposals: Learning and Teaching Conference 2025

We are now inviting proposals for the 13th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Tuesday 8-Thursday 10 July 2025.

Submit and view the call for proposals online. 

The theme for this year’s conference is:

Innovative Pathways to Empowering Learners: Adapting, Engaging, and Thriving

The main strands of this year’s conference are:

  • Adaptable assessment design
  • Student engagement and autonomous learning
  • Community building
  • Technologies to enhance learning
  • Online learning

Staff, postgraduate teaching assistants, and students are welcome to propose sessions on any topic relating to learning and teaching, especially those that focus on the incorporation and use of technology. Even if your suggestion doesn’t fit a particular strand, other topics are welcome.

We seek to encourage presenters to consider using alternative formats that reflect and suit the content of their sessions. As such, we are not specifying a standardised presentation format.

Please complete this form no later than 8 April 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact

13th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference: Theme Announcement

We are pleased to announce the theme of the 13th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, taking place between 8 and 10 July 2025.

The theme is: “Innovative Pathways to Empowering Learners: Adapting, Engaging, and Thriving”.

The conference will have the following strands:

  • Adaptable assessment design
  • Student engagement and autonomous learning
  • Community building
  • Technologies to enhance learning
  • Online learning

Each year, we speak to our stakeholder group and other members of the University to establish topics that colleagues will find useful.

The first strand of adaptable assessment design brings together a piece of work being undertaken by colleagues in Student Services, which foregrounds flexible approaches to assessment design, assessments with multiple formats, and authentic assessment design.

Student engagement and instilling autonomous learning remains to be a key challenge for colleagues. Under this strand, we’re interested in strategies for instilling autonomy in learning, ways in which learning can be scaffolded, and the embedding of skills for learning and the graduate workplace.

Our third strand of community building seeks to highlight the work of wellbeing in the curriculum and to consider more trauma-informed ways of working, how online learning communities are created, and the use of learning analytics. Central to all these themes is inclusive pedagogies.

Under the strand technologies to enhance learning we will be interested to hear about positive case studies and uses of incorporating AI into the classroom, advanced and exemplary uses of Blackboard Ultra, and good teaching practice in the digital age.

Our final strand speaks to online learning speaks to the work of the Aber Online Learning Project in partnership with HEP, transitioning on campus to online teaching, and engagement strategies for online learning.

We will be opening the Call for Proposals and conference booking shortly.

If you have got any questions, please contact the conference organisers on

Vevox Updates

Screenshot of Numeric question with Word Cloud output

Vevox, the University’s preferred polling solution, has some great new features from its September 2024 and December 2024 release.  

For colleagues unfamiliar with Vevox, it can be used to make your teaching more interactive, and to help decision making in meetings. Participants use mobile devices to engage in real-time polling, but there are also options for asynchronous Surveys and Q & A boards.

All these updates are available on this YouTube recording and via these release notes:

1. Q and A labels

Session hosts can define labels that are now visible and usable by participants. This means that participants can optionally tag their Q&A messages with a  pre-defined label. For example, you may wish to have a label for Assessment to allow students to link their questions to a tag.

2. Compare poll results in your session

This is a useful activity to measure the impact of a teaching session. Ask students one question at the start of the session to gauge their level of understanding and then ask them the same question at the end of the session to see if their understanding has changed. See the Vevox update for instructions on how to achieve this.

3. Downvoting options

By default, the Q and A board allows participants to upvote questions. This means that you can order questions by those which the majority of participants want to ask. Vevox has introduced a Downvote setting which you can toggle on to allow your participants to downvote questions. You can change these settings in the Q and A setting interface.

4. Alternate result display

Responses to MCQ poll questions can now be displayed in different ways. You can use the traditional bar graph but you can now choose to display your output as a pie chart. You can change the view in real time by having the Vevox admin panel open on one screen in the lecture and having the presenter window projected.

5. Number cloud question release

The number type poll now gives instructors the option to display how the output is shown with a new Word Cloud style interface. You can choose to have this as an output from the poll question interface.

6. Text walls formatting

Results for the answer style question now show in a more streamlined fashion when publishing the results. Rather than showing the output in full, the first couple of sentences display. The instructor can click on the comments they want to highlight and it will show the full response.

7. PowerPoint real time results

The PowerPoint integration has been updated to be able to show WordCloud, Pie Chart, and Number Cloud results live. Further information on using the Vevox PowerPoint integration is available on their webpage.

8. Rich text options for question formatting

Bold, italics and underline are now options in the question formatting.

9. Attendance tracking

For identified polling, you can run attendance information from the data reports. You can then see when participants joined the session and let the session.

10. Custom profanity filters

As account administrators, we can add words to the custom profanity filter. This will be applied to polls, surveys, and q and a features. If you have a word that you would like included in the profanity filter, please contact

Further information and support is available on our webpages: Polling Tool  : Information Services , Aberystwyth University.

Previous updates and case studies are available on our blog.

Mini Conference: Employability and the Inclusive Curriculum

The Digital Education Group in partnership with the Careers Service are pleased to announce the theme for our next Mini Conference.

Building on the success of last year’s Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, we will be revisiting the topic of employability with the theme Employability and the Inclusive Curriculum.   

The mini conference will take place online on the morning of Tuesday 8 April.

The full line up will be confirmed in due course but we are pleased to announce that the Careers Service will be launching their new toolkit for embedding employability in the curriculum.

Bookings for the event are already open. You can book your place online.

If you have any questions, please contact

Mini Conference Logo

Blackboard Activity Log

In this blogpost, we’re going to introduce the Blackboard Activity log which is available on all Blackboard Ultra Courses.

From this activity log, you can take a look at specific students and see which items they’ve engaged with on the course. The log shows all activity on the course – from learning materials, through to Turnitin submission points, and Talis Aspire Reading Lists.

This also includes the date and time that students accessed those materials.

To view the students’ activity on a course:

  • Go to the module in Blackboard
  • Click on the class register:
  • Search for the student that you need to find the information for:
screenshot of the search function for students in the activity log
  • Click on the students’ name:
screenshot of a student with their name highlighted
  • Choose the Activity Log:
screenshot of the Activity Log highlighted
  • You’ll then see time and the item that the student has engagement with:
screenshot of the activity log showing date and time, event, and item
  • You can change the date parameters at the top and choose to specify specific events. Additional tools such as Turnitin submission points, Talis Aspire Reading Lists, and Panopto recordings are referred to as LTI Items.

If you have any questions about the Activity Log or need any help with interpreting it, please contact

Save the Date: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference

The Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit are excited to announce the date for the 13th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. The conference will be taking place between Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 July 2025.

Look out for Calls for Proposals and the announcement of the conference theme. As usual, we will be updating our Learning and Teaching Conference Webpages and also our blog to keep you up-to-date with how things are progressing.

Mini Conference: Blackboard Exemplary Practice: Materials Available

Accessibility icons showing 3 images: a checklist, a computer workstation, an image

Happy New Year!

On Wednesday 18 December, the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit hosted an online mini conference taking a look at Blackboard Exemplary Practice. With over 40 attendees, and 5 sessions, it was one of our biggest mini conferences.

The materials from the event are now available on our webpages.

We were delighted to welcome Carol Chatten from Edge Hill University and Robert Farmer from Northampton University to showcase their award-winning courses.

Carol’s course is designed for medical professionals completing their placements. Robert’s course introduced undergraduates to critical thinking skills. Both courses have been awarded Blackboard’s Exemplary Course Programme Award.

We were then joined by Dom Gore and Richard Gibbons from Anthology (Blackboard). They gave an overview of the new developments that are coming in Blackboard, as well as introducing attendees to the new AI Conversations tool. We have enabled AI Conversations and have updated our Blackboard AI Design Assistant training. Take a look at our blogpost for further information.

Finally, Law and Criminology’s Lauren Harvey, and School of Education’s Panna Karlinger gave tours of their exemplary courses. Both submitted applications to last year’s Exemplary Course Award. The deadline for 2025 is Friday 31 January 2025. Further information is available on our blogpost.

NEW: AI Conversations in Blackboard

The latest AI Design Assistant feature has been enabled in Blackboard.

AI Conversations provides a chat bot for students to interact with as part of a learning activity.

There are two AI Conversation options:

  • Socratic questioning
    • This encourages students to think critically through continuous questioning prompts
  • Role play
    • This allows students to play out a scenario with the AI persona designed and created by the instructor

Once set up, students can engage in these activities to further their knowledge and understanding of the topic.

Students type a response to the questions posed by the AI chat bot. At the end of the activity, students respond to a reflective question to outline how the conversation helped with their understanding of the topic.

We will be showcasing AI Conversations at our online Mini Conference on Wednesday 18 December. Further information is available on our blogpost.

Our E-learning Enhanced: Introduction to the AI Design Assistant training has also been updated to include AI Conversations. You can book your place on the course on the Events and Training booking system.

For further information, see Blackboard’s AI Conversation guidance.

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