We are pleased to announce the theme of the 13th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, taking place between 8 and 10 July 2025.
The theme is: “Innovative Pathways to Empowering Learners: Adapting, Engaging, and Thriving”.
The conference will have the following strands:
- Adaptable assessment design
- Student engagement and autonomous learning
- Community building
- Technologies to enhance learning
- Online learning
Each year, we speak to our stakeholder group and other members of the University to establish topics that colleagues will find useful.
The first strand of adaptable assessment design brings together a piece of work being undertaken by colleagues in Student Services, which foregrounds flexible approaches to assessment design, assessments with multiple formats, and authentic assessment design.
Student engagement and instilling autonomous learning remains to be a key challenge for colleagues. Under this strand, we’re interested in strategies for instilling autonomy in learning, ways in which learning can be scaffolded, and the embedding of skills for learning and the graduate workplace.
Our third strand of community building seeks to highlight the work of wellbeing in the curriculum and to consider more trauma-informed ways of working, how online learning communities are created, and the use of learning analytics. Central to all these themes is inclusive pedagogies.
Under the strand technologies to enhance learning we will be interested to hear about positive case studies and uses of incorporating AI into the classroom, advanced and exemplary uses of Blackboard Ultra, and good teaching practice in the digital age.
Our final strand speaks to online learning speaks to the work of the Aber Online Learning Project in partnership with HEP, transitioning on campus to online teaching, and engagement strategies for online learning.
We will be opening the Call for Proposals and conference booking shortly.
If you have got any questions, please contact the conference organisers on elearning@aber.ac.uk.