As we start the new year, we are planning for the next phase of our Blackboard Learn Ultra project.
Over the next 6 months, we will be looking at:
- Enhancements to our course creation process
- Course templates
- Reviewing the Required Minimum Presence
Most of the work for the first part of the year, however, will involve Organisations.
Organisations offer the same functionality as Courses but aren’t used for taught modules.
Typical Organisations include:
- Departmental Organisations which include information for staff and students
- Training Organisations
- Bespoke Organisations as requested
As part of this work, we are reviewing all existing Organisations to reduce their number and ensure they are still required.
We will also be developing a policy to ensure that we have a clear way to manage requests for new Organisations.
We will be contacting owners of Organisations in due course.
If you have any questions or feedback about using Ultra, contact the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit (elearning@aber.ac.uk).