As leader of our PGCTHE programme, I keep an eye out for resources to help staff teach effectively. These include webinars, podcasts, online toolkits, publications and more. Topics include active learning, online/blended teaching, accessibility/inclusion, and effective learning design based on cognitive science. Below I’ve listed items that came to my attention in the past week. In the interest of clarity, our policy is to show the titles and descriptions in the language of delivery.
Online events and webinars
- 13/10/2021 Echo360, Emerging Strategies for the Use of Video in Flexible Teaching
- 13/10/2021 Tile Network, Supporting Neurodiversity in Education
- 13/10/2021 Blended Learning Consortium, Higher Education Blended Learning Consortium University Launch Event
- 18/19/2021 #creativeHE, Drawing for learning
- 19/10/2021 European University Association DigiHE, Developing a high-performance digital education ecosystem: strategy and organisational culture
- 19/10/2021 Jisc, Leveraging technology to enable blended learning in Further and Higher Education
- 20/10/2021 UDL UK and Ireland Network, Institution-wide approaches to embedding Universal Design for Learning
- 21/10/2021 QAA, Belonging through assessment Symposium
- 4-5/11/2021 AdvanceHE, Assessment and Feedback Symposium 2021: Putting the Student at the Heart of Assessment and Feedback: Equality, Diversity and Partnership
- 10/11/2021 Echo 360, Reimagining Learner Engagement and Assessment in Blended Learning
- 8/12/2021 Echo 360, Developing Inclusive Educational Practices with Video-Based Learning
- Multiple dates through 2/2022 AdvanceHE, Inclusive learning and teaching workshop series
Resources and publications
- Abegglen, S., Aparicio-Ting, F. E., Arcellana-Panlilio, M., Behjat, L., Brown, B., Clancy, T. L., DesJardine, P., Din, C., Dyjur, P., Ferreira, C., Hughson, E. A., Kassan, A., Klinke, C., Kurz, E., Neuhaus, F., Pletnyova, G., Paul, R. M., Peschl, H., Peschl, R., & Squance, R. T. (2021). Incorporating Universal Design for Learning in Disciplinary Contexts in Higher Education (M. Arcellana-Panlilio and P. Dyjur, Eds.). Calgary, AB: Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning Guide Series.
- Bailey, P. (20/9/2021), How will students be learning from September?, Jisc Co-Design
- Bali, M. (9/10/2020), The importance of building community with care and equity, Teaching and Learning Online Network (TALON): 30-minute video part of Voices series
- Bryant, P., (8/10/2021), Making the most of the spaces we have: Design principles for successful hybrid and hyflex learning, University of Sydney Co-Design Research Group
- Carbon, M. B. (6/10/2021), The active essay writing initiative, University of Essex School of Psychology blog, featuring 2-minute video by Wendy Garnham
- Dennis, C. A., Clifton, G. (2021), Adult postgraduate students’ learning in online spaces—Images of identity and belonging, Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
- Fawns, T. (4/10/2021), Approaches to effective digital feedback and assessment, Digitally Enhanced Education Webinar series: 20-minute video
- Lawrence, J., Lillie, C., Ewen, M., Scott, G., & Craven, C. (7/10/2021), Educational Development for Preparing Postgraduate Taught (PGT) at Pace, SEDA blog
- Mihai, A. (4/10/2021), 12 ideas to refresh your teaching in less than 10 minutes, The Educationalist
- Pitt, E. (4/10/2021), Dilemmas in implementing online feedback: Sifting the evidence for practical application, Digitally Enhanced Education Webinar series: 17-minute video
- QAA (4/10/2021), New Resources for Supporting Successful Student Transitions, including Building belonging in the post-pandemic landscape and The Student’s Guide to the Hidden Curriculum
- Race, P. (n/d), If I were in charge…Ten things I’d love to change, Phil Race: Assessment, learning and teaching in higher education
- Reid, D. & Drysdale, T. (12/10/2021), Remote laboratories in STEM education, University of Edinburgh Teaching Matters Blog
- Sambell, K. & Brown, S. (1/9/2021), Making post-pandemic assessment authentic and engaging, Transforming Assessment Webinars: 1-hour video and resources
- Sherrington, T. (10/10/2021), Building Understanding: supporting students to assemble their own schema, Teacherhead blog
- Stix, J. (5/10/2021), Earth to Jupyter: Adding innovative tools to teach coding better, University of Edinburgh Teaching Matters Blog
- Stringer, H. (1/10/2021), Constructive criticism that works, American Psychological Association
- White, C. (4/10/2021), Dyslexia Week: Invisible Dyslexia, Aberystwyth University LTEU blog
Please see the Staff Training booking page for training offered by the LTEU and other Aberystwyth University staff. I hope you find this weekly resource roundup useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our team at lteu@aber.ac.uk. You may also wish to follow my Twitter feed, Mary Jacob L&T.