Creating an inclusive approach to learning and teaching during Ramadan

As Ramadan starts, we wanted to highlight a guide for educators that has been led by Oxford Brookes’ Professor Louise Taylor (along with several other collaborators).

During this time, those observing Ramadan, will abstain from food and drink during daylight hours.

The full guide can be accessed and downloaded from this webpage.

The guide outlines the potential impact of Ramadan on students’ learning and offers some adaptions that may want to be considered. Oxford Brookes have produced a 7-minute video of students sharing their experience of Ramadan. The guide draws on surveys from HE professionals to provide an evidence-based approach and offers 6 ways in which we could adopt more inclusive learning:

  1. Acknowledge Ramadan
  2. Avoid assumptions and ask
  3. Adjust assessment timings
  4. Offer asynchronous learning
  5. Raise awareness and celebrate
  6. Be inclusive and make sustainable change

The guide concludes that its key message places importance on initiating discussions with Muslim students.

As a community, we hope to build on this work for next year, using this guidance as a starting point.

We are passionate about inclusive education practices and would love to showcase them at the forthcoming Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. If you adopt inclusive practices in your teaching, then do consider submitting a proposal for the conference.