If you’re a busy bee preparing your courses before the students arrive and don’t have any time to attend training sessions, how about visiting our new bite sized training video clips on how to work in Blackboard Ultra.
We’ve created The Ultra Essentials Playlist to help staff to familiarise themselves with the exciting new features in Ultra. The playlist is comprised of 15 short videos (2-8 minutes) with a longer first introductory video Introduction to Blackboard Learn Ultra.
If you’re unsure about how to do something specific in Ultra or just need a quick refresher then take a look at our bilingual training videos. Here’s a breakdown of the individual video clips:
- Navigating your Ultra Course
- Creating a Link to your Reading List
- Creating a Link to all Panopto Recordings
- Creating a Folder and Learning Module
- Creating a Document
- Copying content from previous years
- Link to individual Panopto recording
- Creating a Turnitin Submission Point
- Creating a Blackboard Assignment
- Creating a Blackboard Test
- Creating a Link
- Creating a Collaborative Document
- Creating a Discussion
- Creating a Journal
- Creating an Announcement
We are still providing online training sessions in English and Welsh and you can book and view other sessions on the booking page.
If you have any questions about Blackboard Learn Ultra then email: elearning@aber.ac.uk