As leader of our PGCTHE programme, I keep an eye out for resources to help staff teach effectively. These include webinars, podcasts, online toolkits, publications and more. Topics include active learning, online/blended teaching, accessibility/inclusion, and effective learning design based on cognitive science. Below I’ve listed items that came to my attention in the past week. In the interest of clarity, our policy is to show the titles and descriptions in the language of delivery.
Online events and webinars
- 14/4/2023 European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI), ENAI Recommendations on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence and the European Conference on Ethics and Integrity in Academia 2023 (ECEIA 2023)
- 18/4/2023 QAA, ChatGPT: What should assessment look like now?
- 19/4/2023 WonkHE, The avalanche is here: Higher education and the AI revolution
- 20/4/2023 #TELresearchers Lancaster University, #TELresearchers with Dr Bonnie Stewart
- 20/4/2023 Advance HE, Student Engagement Conference 2023: What does student engagement mean to you? (in-person conference in Manchester)
- 24/4/2023 Active Learning Network, Global Festival of Active Learning
- 24-28/4/2023 QAA, Assessment Festival “We will dare to be controversial, ask those difficult questions and take a forward-facing look at how assessment may evolve. The festival will bring different voices from the sector to share and celebrate assessment practices that enhance student experience.”
- 26/4/2023 Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars, University of Kent, Using Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Student Voice
- 26/4/2023 University of Birmingham, HEFi Reading Group: Becoming a critically reflective teacher Ch. 13 with Stephen Brookfield
- 26/4/2023 IFNTF Global Seminar Series, What does flourishing in the tail end of the pandemic look like?
- 26/4/2023 Vevox Pedagogy 2023 series, Alex Pitchford, Aberystwyth University, presents ‘Increasing Engagement & Active Learning using Vevox in Maths and Sciences’
- 26/4/2023 Turnitin Protecting Academic Integrity in 2023, Webinar 3: The Student View On Contract Cheating and AI Writing Tools
- 27/4/2023 Future Teacher Webinars, Rich Media 3 Video – Reflected
- 9/5/2023 University of Westminster Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation, Student Partnership Framework Launch Event (download the framework)
- 9-11/5/2023 University of Liverpool CIE, Islands of Innovation
- 12/5/2023 ENAI, Tips and tricks for running survey-based research in Academic Integrity
- 16/5/2023 Advance HE, Mental Wellbeing in HE Conference 2023: Putting theory into practice – Creating a whole university approach to student and staff wellbeing (in-person conference, Manchester)
- 17-18/5/2023 Change Agents Network conference, Reimagining student/staff partnerships to generate new learning opportunities
- 24/5/2023 Royal Society for Chemistry, Inclusive science teaching by design: building success for all learners into your lessons
- 9/6/2023 Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT) “Implications and Ethical Dimensions of using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Teaching, Learning and Assessment“, pre-conference online event
- 30/6/2023 Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT) “Implications and Ethical Dimensions of using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Teaching, Learning and Assessment“, in-person at King’s College London, Strand campus
Resources and publications
Resources on Artificial Intelligence
- Bali, M. (1/4/2023), What I Mean When I Say Critical AI Literacy, Thinking Allowed
- Broome, B. (10/4/2023), A writing teacher got schooled by ChatGPT. Here’s what he learned, Washington Post
- Compton, M. (2/4/2023), How Generative AI Will Change Assessment in Higher Education,
- Department for Education (39/3/2023), DfS policy paper: Generative artificial intelligence in education, UK Government
- Dickinson, J. (29/3/2023), It looks like you’re trying to assess a student, WonkHE
- Eaton, S. E. (7/4/2023), How to Talk to Your Students about ChatGPT: A Lesson Plan for High School and College Students, Learning, Teaching and Leadership
- Education Burrito Podcast with Kiu Sum (28/3/2023), Ep 44: Unwrapping the use of ChatGPT in Academic Integrity with Emma Duke-Williams (33-minute audio recording)
- Edwards, B. (6/4/2023), Why ChatGPT and Bing Chat are so good at making things up: A look inside the hallucinating artificial minds of the famous text prediction bots, Ars Technica
- Farrokhnia, M., Banihashem, S. K., Noroozi, O. & Wals, N. (2023), A SWOT analysis of ChatGPT: Implications for educational practice and research, Innovations in Education and Teaching International
- Fowler, G. A. (3/4/2023), We tested a new ChatGPT-detector for teachers. It flagged an innocent student, Washington Post
- Lancaster, T. (29/3/2023), Keynote: Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Friend or Foe? (42-minute video), Learning and Teaching at the University of Lincoln
- Marcus, G. (7/4/2023), In A.I. Race, Microsoft and Google Choose Speed Over Caution, New York Times
- Moran, C. (6/4/2023), ChatGPT is making up fake Guardian articles. Here’s how we’re responding, The Guardian
- Snay, P. (4/4/2023), Turnitin’s New AI Writing Detection (and what it means for your teaching), Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching, Bright Space
- Verma, P. & Oremus, W. (5/4/2023), ChatGPT invented a sexual harassment scandal and named a real law prof as the accused, Washington Post
- Webb, M. (8/12/2023), GPT-3 and Plausible Untruths, Jisc National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education
- Wild, B. (9/4/2023), ChatGPT: Cardiff students admit using AI on essays, BBC News
Other resources
- Amrane-Cooper, L., Baume, D., Brown, S., Hatzipanagos, S., Powell, P., Sherman, S. & Tait, A. (27/3/2023), Online and digital education for a connected world, UCL Press, free download
- Collins, M. & Childs, M. (31/3/2023), Remixplay 5 2023: Conference-in-a-pod! (2-hour audio recording), Pedagodzilla: The pedagogic podcast with the pop culture core
- Eka Putri, I. G. A. P., Widdop Quinton, H. & Selkrig, K. (2023), Reshaping teaching in higher education through a mandala of creative pedagogies, Teaching in Higher Education
- Furst, E. (12/2022), Making sense of cognitive science and education, Bridging Cognitive Science & Education
- Kuepper-Tetzel, C. (11/4/2023), Trauma-Informed Education and Promoting Resilience in the Classroom – A Summary, Teaching Innovation and Learning Enhancement Network (TILE)
- LMU Take 5 (22/10/2020), Take5 #51 The best way to develop a compassionate pedagogy?, Take 5
- Merseal, H. M., Luchini, S., Kenett, Y. N., Knudsen, K., Bilder, R. M., & Beaty, R. E. (2023), Free association ability distinguishes highly creative artists from scientists: Findings from the Big-C Project, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.
- Overson, C. E., Hakala, C. M., Kordonowy, L. L. & Benassi, V. A. (Eds.) (2023), In their own words: What scholars and teachers want you to know about why and how to apply the science of learning in your academic setting, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (free PDF download)
- Salmon, M. (29/3/2023), Ambitious recommendations for student mental health in Wales, WonkHE
- Monthly series European Network for Academic Integrity, ENAI monthly webinars free open webinars on various topics related to academic integrity.
- Subscribe to SEDA’s mailing list for email discussions about educational development and emerging teaching practices. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Follow University of Birmingham’s Higher Education Futures institute HEFi on Twitter for daily posts with links to pedagogical literature and more. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Join the #LTHEchat on Twitter Wednesday nights for one hour of lively discussion about learning and teaching in HE. I often find out about good resources for the Roundup from the chat.
- Call for papers due 15/5/2023, King’s College London, University College London, the London School of Economics & Political Science and Imperial College London Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT) 2023 (hybrid in person and online), Implications and Ethical Dimensions of using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education teaching, learning and assessment
Please see the Staff Training booking page for training offered by the LTEU and other Aberystwyth University staff. I hope you find this weekly resource roundup useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our team at lteu@aber.ac.uk. You may also wish to follow my Twitter feed, Mary Jacob L&T.