Do you hold any category of HEA Fellowship (awarded by Advance HE)?
This may be Associate Fellow (AFHEA), Fellow (FHEA), Senior Fellow (SFHEA) or Principal Fellow (PFHEA).
If so, many congratulations! Your fellowship “demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education.” (Advance HE, Fellowship)
As part of our annual data returns, we need to make sure that we have records of all categories of fellowship holders. You can do this yourself by updating your ABW record. If you gained fellowship in another institution, you should also update your records with Advance HE to reflect your current post at Aberystwyth University.
Update your ABW record
Make sure that your ABW correctly records the category you currently hold. Remember to update your record if you are awarded a new category of fellowship.
- Login to Aber Business World (Aber People) using your normal AU login details.
- Make sure you are on the Your employment tab from the menu on the left.

- Go to Personnel Information in the Your Employment column.

- Go to the HESA tab.

- Once there, scroll down until you reach a series of fields labelled as Teaching Qualification.

- Click on the downward arrow on one of the Teaching Qualification fields.
A dropdown list will open that includes several options that begin with Recognised by Advance HE as a….
Select the appropriate fellowship category.

- Do not forget to click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

My Advance HE
If you gained fellowship at another institution and have moved to AU, update your My Advance HE record to show your new Employer Relationship with Aberystwyth University.
- Login to My Advance HE with your Advance HE username and password. If you don’t know your password, you use the link on the login page to reset it
- Click on My Profile
- Click on Update Profile
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Create new employer relationship
- Add the details of your new job at Aberystwyth University
- You can also edit the details of any previous posts (eg to add an end date) by clicking on the downwards arrow next to that post and selecting Edit.
- Click on Submit
And of course, if you are interested in applying for another fellowship category, you can apply for AFHEA, FHEA and SFHEA through the ARCHE scheme.