As leader of our PGCTHE programme, I keep an eye out for resources to help staff teach effectively. These include webinars, podcasts, online toolkits, publications and more. Topics include active learning, online/blended teaching, accessibility/inclusion, and effective learning design based on cognitive science. Below I’ve listed items that came to my attention in the past week. In the interest of clarity, our policy is to show the titles and descriptions in the language of delivery.
Online events and webinars
- On-going LTHEchat, a weekly Twitter chat about learning and teaching in higher education
- 25/2/2022 Westminster Student Parnerships, Students as Co-creators Online Seminar Series, Inclusive Curriculum Consultants: Lessons learned from student-staff partnerships in curriculum development, design, and review
- 28/2/2022 Centre for Distance Education, University of London, Supporting Student Success workshop
- 2/3/2022 Transforming Assessment, Pandemic-induced assessment changes at the Open University (UK)
- 3/3/2022 University of London Centre for Distance Education, The year ahead for the practitioner “The Covid-19 pandemic has rejuvenated debates around the use of learning technologies in the classroom (online or face-to-face) and resulted into the emergence of hybrid models and approaches that are predicted to permanently influence the way both distance and campus based learning are carried out.”
- 8-9/3/2022 Jisc, Digifest – update: now free of charge for Jisc members
- 9/3/2022 AdvanceHE, Design Thinking: Approaches to Student Engagement
- 10/3/2022 SEDA, Book Launch: Developing Expertise for Teaching in Higher Education
- 10/3/2022 Collaborative Research Network, Black Asian and Minority Ethnic perspectives in the New Curriculum
- 14-18/3/2022 University of Warwick TEALfest, Technology-enhanced Active Learning Festival
- 6/4/2022 UDL UK and Ireland, The Elephant in the Room: Universal Design for Learning and Assessment
- 7/4/2022 Warwick International Higher Education Academy, Universities and Post Pandemic Digital Praxis – Critically Reframing Education and the Curriculum
- 11-13/5/2022 Change Agents Network, CAN Conference ‘Sustaining Partnerships in Transformative Times’ (hybrid online and in person)
- 6-8/7/2022 Playful Learning Conference
Resources and publications
- Cast, The Accessible Learning Experience podcast series
- Digitally Enhanced Webinar Series (22/2/2022), Webinar 12: Pedagogy and Practice when teaching and learning Online, several short video recordings
- Education Burrito Podcast (8/2/2022), Ep 30: Unwrapping blending learning & teaching with Danielle Hinton, 32-minute audio recording
- Ezarik, M. (17/2/2022), Reading Between the Lines to Support Struggling Students, Inside Higher Education
- Harvard, B. (13/1/2020), Growing a Brain Dump, The Effortful Educator
- Merry, K. (16/2/2022), Episode 9: All things UDL with Katie Novak 46-minute audio recording, Talking Teaching and Learning podcast series
- My Liminal Pod podcast series (16/2/2022), The Perfect Blend with Dr Alexandra Mihai (Part 1), 17-minute audio recording
- Poelzer, T. (1/2/2022), Silver Linings: The Unintended Positive Pedagogical Consequences of the Pandemic, Media & Learning
- Quinlan, K. (22/2/2022), Returning to the lecture hall? trigger students’ interest in large group settings, 28-minute video, Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars
- Quinlan, K. M. (2016), How Emotion Matters in Four Key Relationships in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, College Teaching, 64:3, 101-111
- Call for papers 4/3/2022: University of Birmingham HEFi, Promoting Sustainability through Future-Facing University Teaching
- Call for papers 9/3/2022: Future of Education International Conference
Please see the Staff Training booking page for training offered by the LTEU and other Aberystwyth University staff. I hope you find this weekly resource roundup useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our team at lteu@aber.ac.uk. You may also wish to follow my Twitter feed, Mary Jacob L&T.