As leader of our PGCTHE programme, I keep an eye out for resources to help staff teach effectively. These include webinars, podcasts, online toolkits, publications and more. Topics include active learning, online/blended teaching, accessibility/inclusion, and effective learning design based on cognitive science. Below I’ve listed items that came to my attention in the past week. In the interest of clarity, our policy is to show the titles and descriptions in the language of delivery.
Online events and webinars
- 23/5/2024 Ruth Healey, Seeking social justice through student-staff partnerships
- 29/5/2024 QMUL AI Collaborations, Using AI to enhance inclusivity in the classroom
- 29 & 30/5/2024 Advance HE, Inclusive curriculum frameworks: a contradiction in terms?
- 30/5/2024 Future Teacher Webinars, Inclusive Practice Special
- 5, 11 & 20/6/2024 Jisc Artificial Intelligence, Everyday generative AI tools
- 5/6/2024 Transforming Assessment, Gen AI in Assessment: Deepfakes and Synthetic Media
- 17-27/6/2024 University of Exeter, EduExe Festival (individual webinars)
- 19/6/2024 QMUL AI Collaborations, How to Use ChatGPT for Grant Writing
- 26/6/2024 University of Nottingham, Digital Accessibility Conference: Transforming the Culture
- 26/6/2024 UDL UK and Ireland Network, Quick and Easy UDL
- 2, 5 & 10/7/2024 Jisc Artificial Intelligence, Getting creative with generative AI
- 11/7/2024 UDL UK and Ireland Network, Emotionally Intelligent Instruction
Resources and publications
Resources on Generative AI
- Barker, C. (15/4/2024), Innovative Insights: AI success stories from the community, Jisc Artificial Intelligence
- Bedford, J. (17/5/2024), Ethical and Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW, Student Notices, UNSW Sydney
- Jisc (5/2024), Student perceptions of generative AI, Jisc Artificial Intelligence
- Nordmann, E. & Kuepper-Tetzel, C. (2024), AI TutoR, University of Glasgow
- Shepperd, P. (11/4/2024), AI Literacy Webinar Series: How to Access the Recordings and Presentations, Jisc Artificial Intelligence
- University of Limerick (9/5/2024), Student View: Evan Mansfield (27-minute audio recording), AI on Campus Perspectives from Students podcast series “The discussion prominently features Evan’s experiences with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), highlighting the early support systems and the role of AI tools in fostering his academic and personal growth.”
- Webb, M. (10/5/2024), Licensing Options for Generative AI, Jisc Artificial Intelligence
Other resources
- Arnold, L., Croxford, J. & Headley, J. (17/4/2024), Authentic Assessment – In conversation with Jane Headley, James Croxford and Lydia Arnold (44-minute audio recording), National Teaching Repository
- Gilbert, T. (2016), Assess compassion in Higher Education? Why and how would we do that?, UH Link 2(1)
- O’Leary, M. (6/2/2023), Moving Beyond Measurement: Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality Through Collaborative Observation, QAA Member Benefits
- Teaching Innovation and Learning Enhancement (TILE), University of Glasgow (5/2024), TILE Network Recordings (video playlist from webinars)
- Monthly series European Network for Academic Integrity, ENAI monthly webinars free open webinars on various topics related to academic integrity.
- Subscribe to SEDA’s mailing list for email discussions about educational development and emerging teaching practices. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Follow University of Birmingham’s Higher Education Futures institute HEFi on Twitter for daily posts with links to pedagogical literature and more. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Join the #LTHEchat on Twitter Wednesday nights for one hour of lively discussion about learning and teaching in HE. I often find out about good resources for the Roundup from the chat.
Please see the Staff Training booking page for training offered by the LTEU and other Aberystwyth University staff. I hope you find this weekly resource roundup useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our team at lteu@aber.ac.uk. You may also wish to follow my Twitter feed, Mary Jacob L&T.