As leader of our PGCTHE programme, I keep an eye out for resources to help staff teach effectively. These include webinars, podcasts, online toolkits, publications and more. Topics include active learning, online/blended teaching, accessibility/inclusion, and effective learning design based on cognitive science. Below I’ve listed items that came to my attention in the past week. In the interest of clarity, our policy is to show the titles and descriptions in the language of delivery.
Online events and webinars
- 23/4/2024, Science for social justice: co-creating authentic anti-racist assessments, Dr Moonisah Usman and Dr Amy MacLatchy, University of Westminster
- 24/4/2024 UDL-UKI, UDL for Assessment
- 25 & 29/4/2024 Jisc Artificial Intelligence, AI Safety
- 24/4/2024 #HEresearchers, TELresearchers & #HEresearchers with Dave Cormier
- 29/4 through 3/5/2024 QAA, Assessment Festival 2024
- 1/5/2024 UDL-UKI, Universal Design for Learning Spaces
- 2, 10 & 21/5/2024 Jisc Artificial Intelligence, AI for Accessibility
- 10/5/2024 University of Liverpool Centre for Innovation in Education, Deep Sea Islands of Innovation 2024
- 25/5/2024 Student Belonging Community of Practice, Student Belonging Conference 2024 (hybrid online and in person at UEA)
- 5, 11 & 20/6/2024 Jisc Artificial Intelligence, Everyday generative AI tools
- 26/6/2024 University of Nottingham, Digital Accessibility Conference: Transforming the Culture
- 2, 5 & 10/7/2024 Jisc Artificial Intelligence, Getting creative with generative AI
Resources and publications
Resources on Generative AI
- Angouri, J. & Gramaglia, L. (3/4/2024), AI and traditional curriculum: quo vadis?, The SEDA Blog
- Bearman, M., Tai, J., Dawson, P., Boud, D., & Ajjawi, R. (10/4/2024), Developing evaluative judgement for a time of generative artificial intelligence, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1–13
- Compton, M. (16/4/2024), Nuancing the discussions around GenAI in HE, HEducationist
- Elam, M. (1/6/2023), Poetry Will Not Optimize; or, What Is Literature to AI?, American Literature, 95 (2): 281–303
- Farrelly, T. & Baker, N. (26/3/2024), Humanity’s intersection with AI: reflections on education and beyond, Media & Learning
- Forbes, M. & Brandauer J. (n.d.), What’s my stance on genAI in this class? (downloadable poster), Gettysburg College Johnson Center for Teaching and Learning
- Heard, C. (2024), Generative AI Syllabus Statement Tool (Seaver College) (interactive online tool for drafting a module-specific statement about acceptable Gen AI use), also see ChatGPT, Turnitin and the Classroom (1-hour video) (3/2023), Pepperdine University
- Long, L. (5/4/2024), Creative Collaboration or Soul-Sucking Death of Humanity? How ChatGPT and I wrote a poem together, Artisanal Intelligence
- Rowell, C. (2023), AI Conversations: Critical discussions about AI, Art And Education, UAL
- Veletsianos, G. (16/4/2024), OpEd: 5 questions schools and universities should ask before they purchase AI tech products, George Veletsianos, PhD, first published in The Conversation (15/4/2024)
Other resources
- Cooke, B. (27/3/2024), Pedagogical interventions to support student belonging and employability in large cohorts: four case studies, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (30)
- Dunbar-Morris, H. (5/4/2024), How can aspects of wellbeing be addressed in the curriculum?, HEPI Blog
- Halmo, S. M., Yamini, K. A. & Stanton, J. D. (4/3/2024), Metacognition and Self-Efficacy in Action: How First-Year Students Monitor and Use Self-Coaching to Move Past Metacognitive Discomfort During Problem Solving, CBE Life Sciences Education 23(2)
- Kaufman, S. B. & Seale, C. (18/8/2022), Colin Seale || Tangible Equity in Education (52-minute video), The Psychology Podcast series
- Merry, K. & Pusateri, J. (16/4/2024), Getting Started with UDL with Jennifer Pusateri (37-minute audio recording), Talking Learning and Teaching Podcast series
- Saunders, R. & Nthakomwa-Cassidy, K. (3/4/2024), S4.E16 Kathleen Nthakomwa-Cassidy on authentic learning and assessment (32-minute audio recording), L&T Chatshow podcast series
- Zheng, H. (17/2/2022), Short and Sweet: The Educational Benefits of Microlectures and Active Learning, Educause Review
- Monthly series European Network for Academic Integrity, ENAI monthly webinars free open webinars on various topics related to academic integrity.
- Subscribe to SEDA’s mailing list for email discussions about educational development and emerging teaching practices. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Follow University of Birmingham’s Higher Education Futures institute HEFi on Twitter for daily posts with links to pedagogical literature and more. This is one of the sources I use when identifying useful material for the Roundup.
- Join the #LTHEchat on Twitter Wednesday nights for one hour of lively discussion about learning and teaching in HE. I often find out about good resources for the Roundup from the chat.
Please see the Staff Training booking page for training offered by the LTEU and other Aberystwyth University staff. I hope you find this weekly resource roundup useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our team at lteu@aber.ac.uk. You may also wish to follow my Twitter feed, Mary Jacob L&T.