As lecturer in learning and teaching responsible for the PGCTHE, I keep an eye out for new resources to help our staff teach effectively online. This includes externally-provided webinars, toolkits, publications and other resources. Because active learning is high on our university agenda, I’m particularly keen to share guidance for moving active learning online. Below I’ve listed items that came to my attention in the past week. In the interest of clarity, our policy is to show the titles and descriptions in the language of delivery.
- 19/8/2020 Jisc, “Learning and teaching reimagined: digital innovation”
- 7/9/2020 FutureLearn, “Making Blended Education Work – free online course”
- 17/9/2020 “UEL Learning and Teaching Symposium”
- 16/10/2020 HEPPP Research Network Symposium, “Exploring Expertise in Teaching in Higher Education Symposium”
- Association for Learning Technology, Research in Learning Technology 28 (August 2020)
- Boettcher, Judith. “Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online“. Designing for Learning
- Bottcher, Judith. “3 Ways to Enhance Your Online Instruction“. ACUE Community
- Brown, Sally. (17/8/2020) “Raspberries, (w)Riting, Reflection, Rage, Reading, Running around, Ruminating and Relaxing – designing better assessments post-Covid“. Assessment, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

- Brown, Sally and Kay Sambell. (August 2020) “Writing Better Assignments in the Post-Covid19 Era: approaches to good task design”
- Chavez, Monica. (14/7/2020) “6 papers on education to read this summer to prepare for blended teaching and learning: Ideas for a journal club“. ALT Blog
- Jisc Member Stories. (6/8/2020) “Challenge-based learning: rethinking student engagement”
- Jisc Podcasts. (6/8/2020) “Beyond the technology: University of Lincoln – using games to engage students”
- Jisc. “Learning and Teaching Reimagined (resources)”
- Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences (June 2020) 13(2)
- Salim, Z. (2020). “Active Learning while Physically Distancing 2.0“. The Aga Khan University.
Please see the Staff Training booking page for training offered by the LTEU and other Aberystwyth University staff. I hope you find this weekly resource roundup useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our team at You may also wish to follow my Twitter feed, Mary Jacob L&T.