We’re fast approaching the end of semester 1 and that also marks the halfway point for this year’s Student Digital Champions. We’re catching up today with Laurie Stevenson and Jeffrey Clark to hear about their experiences in the role this semester, to see some of the wonderful resources they have produced and to learn what they hope to achieve in the new year.
Firstly, can you explain what a Student Digital Champion is?
Jeffrey: A Student Digital Champion is someone who can help others with their digital learning and developing their digital capabilities.
Laurie: It is somebody who bring their own experiences as a student to promote and assist others with the skills and knowledge needed online.
What have you enjoyed most about your role?
Laurie: The ability to express myself creatively and learn new skills whilst being able to help other students.
Jeffrey: I have enjoyed creating blogposts on the various aspects of digital capabilities, such as my two-part blogposts on Fake News & Plagiarism – Foiling Fake News (Part 1) and Preventing Plagiarism (Part 2).
What do you feel has been your biggest achievement this semester?
Jeffrey: My biggest achievement this semester has been creating high-quality blogposts which have gained a significant amount of traction.
Laurie: Creating my Ten Top Library and Information Services Tips display and bookmarks (see blogpost) which I really believe will be a beneficial resource for students now and for years to come.

What new skills have you learnt from this role?
Laurie: I’ve learnt a lot, including media content creation, graphic design skills and communication skills.
Jeffrey: I’ve developed my communication skills, organisational skills, research methods, and fact checking through this role.
What do you hope to achieve next semester?
Jeffrey: I hope to reach more students with my posts so I can help as many students as possible.
Laurie: A continued sense of achievement and enjoyment in the role as well as gaining more insight into how digital capabilities can help students at the university.
Thank you to Laurie and Jeffrey for all their hard work this semester, and we look forward to learning more from them in the new year!