Develop your AI Skills with hands-on practice in LinkedIn Learning 👩‍💻

Back in October 2023, we wrote about an exciting new partnership between LinkedIn Learning and CoderPad, which brought forth the addition of Code Challenges to LinkedIn Learning. These challenges are tailored to assist learners, from beginners to advanced, in developing their coding skills through interactive exercises and real-time feedback. You can revisit our previous blogpost on this collaboration here.

AI and Generative AI are swiftly becoming the cornerstones of innovation. To support your development in these skills, LinkedIn Learning has expanded its collection to include 73 courses with hands-on practice for AI and Generative AI skills. You can find all of these courses on this webpage or explore a selection of them below.




All students and staff have access to all courses on LinkedIn Learning, including those with hands-on practice, through your free Aberystwyth University LinkedIn Learning account. If you have any queries about LinkedIn Learning or accessing any of the content mentioned in this blogpost, please contact the Digital Skills Team (, or come along with your questions to one of our weekly drop-in sessions!

Test your understanding of AI with the Jisc Digital Discovery Tool!

A new ‘Digital Skills in AI and Generative AI’ questionnaire for students and staff is now available in the Jisc Digital Discovery Tool. This new questionnaire will help you to self-assess and develop your knowledge of AI in the following seven areas:

  1. AI and digital proficiency
  2. Responsible AI
  3. AI and digital productivity
  4. AI and information and data literacy
  5. AI and digital communication
  6. AI and collaboration and participation
  7. AI and digital creativity

After answering a series of questions, which takes around 10-15 minutes, you will receive a personal report which will include:

  • An overview of your confidence with AI
  • Suggested actions to take
  • Links to useful resources, curated by Jisc’s National Centre for AI, to help you develop your knowledge of AI

Click here to access the Digital Discovery Tool platform, and watch the short video below to learn how to access this new questionnaire ⬇

If you have any queries about this new questionnaire, please contact the Digital Skills Team (, or come along with your questions to one of our weekly drop-in sessions!