My experience with Code First Girls 💻

Blogpost by Jia Ping Lee (Digital Capabilities and Skills Development Coordinator)

I remember first stumbling across Code First Girls through their social media during the summer of 2023, and then I learnt of Aberystwyth University’s new partnership with them. Having had no prior experience of coding and not having much knowledge about the tech world, I was surprised at how easy it was to look through the courses that Code First Girls were offering and regardless of what level of coding you had – there would be an appropriate course for you.

Being a complete beginner with coding languages, I had a look through their introductory courses titled MOOCs (Code First Girls’ massive open online courses). These courses were designed to introduce and provide beginner level tech skills and help build up confidence in an area of your choice. What I thought was fantastic about these courses was how it was organised and rolled out. With MOOC Sprints, they were running over 4 weeks with 1 one-hour live session per week and after the Sprint ended, you had the opportunity to test your knowledge and experience real world problem solving with MOOC Challenges and receive a certificate of completion after passing the session quizzes. I experienced a variety of the introduction courses offered including coding, web development and solving problems with Python. As I was able to review what I learned at my own pace after classes, it wasn’t as overwhelming as I initially thought, and the course tutors were always available to contact if you needed extra help or guidance.

Having thoroughly enjoyed taking the first steps towards gaining some tech confidence, I am looking forward to developing the skills I’ve learnt from the introductory courses and progressing onto the next level. I think that the most important lesson I have taken away from this experience is to never be afraid of trying something new that is outside of your comfort zone. The coding world may initially seem scary and difficult to get into, especially if you hadn’t learned about it before. But with Code First Girls, they really are here to help guide and support us to achieve the best skillset we need for future exciting opportunities!

Take a look at this blogpost where you’ll find 5 reasons why you should take advantage of Aberystwyth University’s partnership with Code First Girls. To find out more information about all the opportunities available with Code First Girls, please visit their website.

Please note that Code First Girls is open to women and non-binary people. If you are not eligible to undertake the courses offered through Code First Girls, there are many other free opportunities available, including coding challenges and courses with CoderPad and GitHub in LinkedIn Learning.

DigiTip 30 – Create folders on your phone to help keep you organised 📁

Do you often get swept up with the amount of clutter and unused apps that keep building up on your phone?

With DigiTip 30, we can have a look at how to create folders on your phone and categorise your apps by types to help keep you organised. Example folder categories could include travel, finance, lifestyle, entertainment, social media and many more!

Let’s have a look at the videos below for a brief demonstration:

N.B. The videos will include an example for IOS devices and an example for Android devices.

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 28: How to add comments in collaborative documents online 📃

Are you planning to work on a collaborative group project with your peers or do you want a co-worker to provide you with comments without permanently editing the document?

Today, we will look at how to add comments to collaborative documents that multiple people can edit. By utilising the comment function, others can understand your ideas behind any changes, ask any questions and offer alternatives without affecting the main document.

With the comment function, there are various features you can make the most of – replying to comments, reacting to comments, and resolving them through tracked changes.

Let’s have a look at the video below for a brief demonstration:

N.B. This video was recorded in Microsoft SharePoint. However, the process with SharePoint and OneDrive are very similar to each other.

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 25 – Utilising Task Manager 🖥️

What is Task Manager for computers? And why is it important?

Task Manager (alternatively known as Activity Monitor for macOS systems) can show you what programs and applications are currently running on your computer right now, as of this moment.

If your computer is lagging in speed or overall performance, or maybe a program is needing some troubleshooting, you can use the Task Manager to review what’s happening in the background and even stop an app that has not been responding, without having to restart your computer!

For Windows operating systems, you can follow this shortcut to access the Windows Task Manager:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc

For macOS operating systems, you can follow this shortcut to access the Activity Monitor application:

  • CMD + ALT + ESC

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 22 – Pin your favourite website on your web browser 📌

Do you often feel frustrated with having to scroll back through your browser history to find your favourite tab? Or even accidentally closing the tab and not being able to remember the website?

With DigiTip 22, you can now pin your favourite internet tabs and have it ready for you when you open your browser next.

For internet browsers such as Chrome and Firefox, you can follow these steps:

  • Open your internet browser and type in your chosen URL
  • Right-click on your URL tab and choose the option “Pin

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 19 – Quick Steps in Outlook ⚡

Do you want to be able to save time using Outlook by running multiple tasks efficiently?

With DigiTip 19, we will be having a look at how to set up your Quick Step recipe. When an email comes through to your inbox, with just one click you can mark it as read, move it to a specific folder, automatically send a reply and many other options.

Watch the video below for a brief demonstration:

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

Take a look at our Digital Skills Festival 2023 resources!

We would like to extend a big thank you to all our speakers and participants who attended Aberystwyth University’s first Digital Skills Festival in November 2023.

With 28 different digital events being held over 5 days, it was fantastic to be able to offer a variety of sessions ranging from an introduction to learning how to code to understanding the importance of our digital wellbeing and digital identity.

From our Digital Skills Festival website, you are now able to access all the recordings and resources from the sessions during the week so please take a look if you would like to refresh your knowledge on what you learnt or if you were unable to attend.

We look forward to seeing you all at the next Digital Skills Festival in 2024!

DigiTip 16 – Reduce eyestrain with a blue light filter 👓

Do you often find yourself having tired eyes after looking at your device for too long? In DigiTip 16, we will be having a look at how to use a blue light filter setting, to reduce the amount of blue light emitted from your device’s screen.

On Windows devices, follow the system settings below to activate “Night light”:

  • Select Start on your windows taskbar and type in Settings in the search box
  • From Settings, then choose System before finding the Display option
  • Once you have chosen the Display option, select Night light
  • With “Night light” switched on, warmer colours will be used on your screen to help block out blue light
  • To personalise when “Night light” will be in use on your device, choose the Schedule night light option where you can either select Sunset to sunrise or select Set hours to choose your own custom times for it to begin and end before closing the window

On MacOS devices, follow the system settings below to activate “Night Shift”:

  • Go to the Apple menu to open the option System Preferences
  • Through System Preferences, select the Displays icon
  • On the top of the window, click on the Night Shift tab
  • Select the Schedule drop-down list before choosing Custom
  • To personalise when “Night Shift” will be in use on your device, you can either select Sunset to sunrise or select Custom to choose your own set times for it to begin and end, before clicking Done

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

Revisit all of our DigiTips from Semester 1!

Welcome to the start of 2024 and we hope you all had a fantastic Christmas holiday break!

From September 2023, the Digital Skills Team have been publishing short and sweet DigiTips that we think will help you make the most of technology – ranging from taking care of your mental wellbeing with the self-care Finch App to being able to brainstorm new ideas with the whiteboard in MS Teams!

Starting from Tuesday 9th January, we will continue to be posting weekly tips about all things digital and if you want to explore any of our previous DigiTips, you can access them from this webpage.

DigiTip 15 – Learn 3 useful functions in Microsoft Teams 💬

Follow these steps to pin your priority chats to the top of your list: 

  • On the left-hand side of your Teams window, place your cursor over the chat you would like to pin 
  • Right-click once on the chat and click on Pin 
  • Your priority chat will be pinned to the top of your recent chat list 

Follow these steps to mute notifications from your chosen chat: 

  • On the left-hand side of your Teams window, place your cursor over the chat you would like to mute 
  • Right-click once on the chat and click on Mute 
  • Incoming notifications will be muted for this specific chat 

Watch the video below or follow these instructions for saving messages to access them later: 

  • Open the chat you would like to save a message(s) from 
  • Right-click once on the message and click on Save this message 
  • Place your cursor your Teams icon and click on it 
  • Select the Saved option on the menu 

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!