Prioritise your digital wellbeing on University Mental Health Day

Blogpost by Sioned Llywelyn (Digital Skills Lead)

In today’s age, most of us rely heavily on technology. While the digital world offers endless possibilities and conveniences, it’s crucial to remain mindful of its potential impacts on our digital wellbeing. As today is University Mental Health Day, it’s a perfect day to share with you a selection of tips and resources to help you achieve a healthier relationship with technology.

We’d love to hear from you! What strategies or resources do you find most helpful in maintaining a healthy relationship with technology?

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Digital Wellbeing

Digital wellbeing is all about finding a healthy balance between the benefits and drawbacks of technology. How can I improve my own digital wellbeing?

  1. Alter your settings to limit your scrolling time on Instagram (Read more)
  2. Use Finch, a selfcare app to help you set realistic wellness goals throughout the day (Read more)
  3. Watch short digital wellbeing courses from LinkedIn Learning (Students; Staff)
  4. Use task management tools, such as Microsoft To Do or Microsoft Planner to reduce stress while working (Read more)
  5. Reduce eyestrain whilst using different devices by: Following the 20-20-20 rule; Using blue light filters; Enabling dark mode (Read more)
  6. Minimise distractions from your devices: Disable notifications; Remove unused apps; Enable Do-Not-Disturb overnight; Keep your phone out of sight and out of mind!
  7. Make the most of technology to track your fitness goals

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