Our first graduate profile of Semester 2 is with Weronika who has great experience with using photo and video editing software, but she wishes she had learnt more about connecting with other professionals on networking sites such LinkedIn before she left Aberystwyth University. If you are also interested in learning how to utilise LinkedIn, take a look at the LinkedIn session with the AU Careers Service at our recent Digital Skills Festival.

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When did you graduate from AU? 2022
What did you study? – Fine art and film and television studies.
What are you doing now professionally since graduating? “I am currently working in hospitality but it’s not a permanent job, I’m searching for a job in film production and in the meantime I’m working on my CV and creating a portfolio website”.
What digital skills do you use in your job? Digital creativity- “I edit photos with Photoshop, I’m creating a website with WordPress and using Instagram to build a social media presence”.
Digital proficiency- “working with software to enter orders on tills and taking digital card payments”.
Data literacy- “I use spreadsheets to track expenses and I love computers so I use them lots for research, for example finding a doctor for my friend who only speaks Polish”.
Did you receive any support with your digital skills at Aberystwyth University? “Yes there was help with software in lecturers and I remember getting lots of emails reminding us of support available. I know I had help from Information Services for outlook/emails”.
Are there any digital skills you wish you had learnt before graduating? “Yes, more help with using and searching for people and jobs on LinkedIn. I struggle to understand it and am having to self-teach it to myself now”.
Are there any common weaknesses in digital skills you notice amongst your colleagues? “Applying research to digital skills or solving digital problems”.