Come to our Digital Skills Drop-ins throughout Semester 2

A member of the team will be available each week to support both students and staff at one of our weekly Digital Skills drop-ins.

We can help you with:

  • Finding resources that you can use to develop your digital skills
  • Providing basic support for using Microsoft software (e.g. PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Teams and Outlook)
  • Giving general advice about developing your digital skills
  • Discussing your Digital Discovery Tool report 

📍 We’ll be at the Skills Hub (indicated by the star on the image below) on Level D of the Hugh Owen library on the below Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:00-12:00 throughout Semester 2. If you have any questions, please email

⏰ 11:00-12:00
⏰ 11:00-12:00
16 January ’2424 January ’24
30 January ’247 February ’24
13 February ’2421 February ’24
27 February ’246 March ’24
12 March ’2420 March ’24
No drop-in sessions over EasterNo drop-in sessions over Easter
16 April ’2424 April ’24
30 April ’248 May ’24

One thought on “Come to our Digital Skills Drop-ins throughout Semester 2

  1. rebecca davies

    Hi there. I am a PhD student and am wanting to learn how to use Excel as my tutor suggests it would be a useful tool for keeping my research organised. Is it possible to have a quick introduction to Excel face-to-face at one of the April drop-in sessions? Could I book a slot or do you just turn up and wait? I think if someone could take an hour to show me the basics, I can go on to do an online training course myself and it will make a bit more sense.
    Thank you

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