DigiTip 31: Quickly minimise all your open windows 💥

This is a very quick tip, but hopefully a useful one! There may be occasions where you need to minimise all the open windows and apps on your laptop or desktop screen. Perhaps you are just about to start presenting and want to remove all open windows? Or you may just want to remove all clutter and get back to your desktop?

You can press the Windows key + D to minimise all open apps and windows and will take you back to the desktop. If you want to reopen all windows and apps, just press the same keystrokes again!

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!  

DigiTip 30 – Create folders on your phone to help keep you organised 📁

Do you often get swept up with the amount of clutter and unused apps that keep building up on your phone?

With DigiTip 30, we can have a look at how to create folders on your phone and categorise your apps by types to help keep you organised. Example folder categories could include travel, finance, lifestyle, entertainment, social media and many more!

Let’s have a look at the videos below for a brief demonstration:

N.B. The videos will include an example for IOS devices and an example for Android devices.

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 29: Move between Windows with ease 🔁

Whether you’re working on one screen or two, you will most likely have multiple windows open and as such you have probably found yourself frantically trying to find the window you’re looking for.  

DigiTip 29 has the solution! 

You can view and swap between all your open windows by using Windows key + Tab.   

View the short clip below to see the shortcut in action.  

Each week we’ll be posting a useful DigiTip to help you make the best use of technology. To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 28: How to add comments in collaborative documents online 📃

Are you planning to work on a collaborative group project with your peers or do you want a co-worker to provide you with comments without permanently editing the document?

Today, we will look at how to add comments to collaborative documents that multiple people can edit. By utilising the comment function, others can understand your ideas behind any changes, ask any questions and offer alternatives without affecting the main document.

With the comment function, there are various features you can make the most of – replying to comments, reacting to comments, and resolving them through tracked changes.

Let’s have a look at the video below for a brief demonstration:

N.B. This video was recorded in Microsoft SharePoint. However, the process with SharePoint and OneDrive are very similar to each other.

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 27: Save time by setting up recurring meetings in Microsoft Outlook 🔁

Whether you want to schedule weekly catch-ups with colleagues, bi-weekly project meetings, or monthly team meetings, knowing how to set these up using the recurring meetings function in Microsoft Outlook will save you a lot of time!

The below video demonstrates how to set up recurring meetings in the desktop app version of Outlook, but the process for setting these up on MS Teams or the web version of Outlook is very similar.

Once set up, your reoccurring meeting will now appear as a series in your calendar, and if you need to alter any details, you’ll always have the option of altering just a single occurrence or the whole series.

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!

Our DigiTips are returning next week!

Since September 2023, the Digital Skills Team have been publishing short and sweet weekly DigiTips that we think will help you make the most of technology. So far, we’ve published 26 tips ranging from useful keyboard shortcuts to tools like the blue light filters that can help support your digital wellbeing!

We’ll be returning on Tuesday 16 April with another 7 useful tips, and if you want to explore any of our previous DigiTips, you can access them from this webpage.

How can I follow the DigiTips?

There are a couple of different ways you can follow our DigiTips.

  1. You can bookmark this webpage and a new DigiTip will appear here at 10am each Tuesday during term time (Read DigiTip 1 if you’re unsure how to bookmark a webpage).
  2. If you want to receive an email notification each time we post a new DigiTip, you can subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog.
  3. We also publish each DigiTip on the Information Services Facebook and Instagram pages which you can access from the icons below. From there, you can follow our hashtags #TipiauDigiPA #AUDigiTips

DigiTip 26: Quick and Easy Screenshot Shortcut 📸

Do you find yourself needing to take a screenshot of your computer screen? Maybe you need to add a page to your revision notes. There are multiple tools available but with DigiTip 26 we’re showing you a shortcut to quickly take a screenshot.  

You can take a screenshot of your screen by using the shortcut “Windows key + Shift + S”. Then you can either open the screenshot in an editor or copy the image into a document, PowerPoint, OneNote and more! 

Watch the video below for a quick demonstration.  

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!  

DigiTip 25 – Utilising Task Manager 🖥️

What is Task Manager for computers? And why is it important?

Task Manager (alternatively known as Activity Monitor for macOS systems) can show you what programs and applications are currently running on your computer right now, as of this moment.

If your computer is lagging in speed or overall performance, or maybe a program is needing some troubleshooting, you can use the Task Manager to review what’s happening in the background and even stop an app that has not been responding, without having to restart your computer!

For Windows operating systems, you can follow this shortcut to access the Windows Task Manager:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc

For macOS operating systems, you can follow this shortcut to access the Activity Monitor application:

  • CMD + ALT + ESC

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 24: Make using Excel easier by freezing columns and rows 📊

Have you ever worked on a large Excel document where you’ve scrolled down to find a figure, but then you’ve had to scroll back up to the top again to remind yourself of what the headings was for that column?!

There’s an incredibly useful function in Excel that can help with this issue, which enables you to freeze single or multiple rows and columns. You can access this feature within Excel by clicking View > Freeze Panes.

Watch the video below to learn how to freeze columns and rows:

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!

DigiTip 23: Recover your tabs 📂

Have you ever prematurely closed a tab you were using? Frantically searching your history to find your page again or even searching through webpages?  

With DigiTip 23, you no longer have to worry.  

Did you know you can open any tabs you have closed by simply selecting “Ctrl +Shift + T”. This will even work if you have closed down an entire window! 

View the video below for a quick demonstration.  

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!