DigiTip 26: Quick and Easy Screenshot Shortcut 📸

Do you find yourself needing to take a screenshot of your computer screen? Maybe you need to add a page to your revision notes. There are multiple tools available but with DigiTip 26 we’re showing you a shortcut to quickly take a screenshot.  

You can take a screenshot of your screen by using the shortcut “Windows key + Shift + S”. Then you can either open the screenshot in an editor or copy the image into a document, PowerPoint, OneNote and more! 

Watch the video below for a quick demonstration.  

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!  

DigiTip 25 – Utilising Task Manager 🖥️

What is Task Manager for computers? And why is it important?

Task Manager (alternatively known as Activity Monitor for macOS systems) can show you what programs and applications are currently running on your computer right now, as of this moment.

If your computer is lagging in speed or overall performance, or maybe a program is needing some troubleshooting, you can use the Task Manager to review what’s happening in the background and even stop an app that has not been responding, without having to restart your computer!

For Windows operating systems, you can follow this shortcut to access the Windows Task Manager:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc

For macOS operating systems, you can follow this shortcut to access the Activity Monitor application:

  • CMD + ALT + ESC

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 24: Make using Excel easier by freezing columns and rows 📊

Have you ever worked on a large Excel document where you’ve scrolled down to find a figure, but then you’ve had to scroll back up to the top again to remind yourself of what the headings was for that column?!

There’s an incredibly useful function in Excel that can help with this issue, which enables you to freeze single or multiple rows and columns. You can access this feature within Excel by clicking View > Freeze Panes.

Watch the video below to learn how to freeze columns and rows:

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DigiTip 23: Recover your tabs 📂

Have you ever prematurely closed a tab you were using? Frantically searching your history to find your page again or even searching through webpages?  

With DigiTip 23, you no longer have to worry.  

Did you know you can open any tabs you have closed by simply selecting “Ctrl +Shift + T”. This will even work if you have closed down an entire window! 

View the video below for a quick demonstration.  

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!

DigiTip 22 – Pin your favourite website on your web browser 📌

Do you often feel frustrated with having to scroll back through your browser history to find your favourite tab? Or even accidentally closing the tab and not being able to remember the website?

With DigiTip 22, you can now pin your favourite internet tabs and have it ready for you when you open your browser next.

For internet browsers such as Chrome and Firefox, you can follow these steps:

  • Open your internet browser and type in your chosen URL
  • Right-click on your URL tab and choose the option “Pin

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 21: Copy and paste content in Word without messing up your formatting 📃

Have you ever copied and pasted content from a webpage or another document into a new Word document and found that it completely messes up your formatting? Luckily, there are additional options outside of the basic pasting option (ctrl+v) which can help solve this!

Start by selecting where you want to paste your content and right-click with your cursor. You’ll then find several additional paste options (the options visible will be based on the type of content that you’ve copied).

Here’s a summary of what the most common 4 paste options will do:

Keep Formatting

This keeps the formatting of the text that you’ve just copied (be it from a webpage, another document, or another source).

Merge Formatting

This option changes the formatting of the text so that it matches the formatting of the text that surrounds it.

Use Destination Styles

This option formats the copied text so that it matches the formatting of the text where you’ve pasted your text

Keep Text Only

This option discards any existing formatting AND any non-text elements you have copied (e.g. images or tables).

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!

DigiTip 20: Introducing To Bach ⌨

Have you struggled to write in Welsh on your computer? Used shortcuts or symbols to insert a circumflex and accents for Welsh letters? Struggle no more!  

Free on all AU computers from the Company Portal you can now download the To Bach software. For personal computers, To Bach is available to download for free! 

Once downloaded, to insert letters with a circumflex all you have to do is select “Alt Gr” and your respective vowel (e.g., â ê î ô û ŵ ŷ).  

Key StrokeSymbol
Alt Gr + aâ
Alt Gr + eê
Alt Gr + oô
Alt Gr + iî
Alt Gr + yŷ
Alt Gr + wŵ
Alt Gr + uû

For further information visit the FAQ here.

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!

DigiTip 19 – Quick Steps in Outlook ⚡

Do you want to be able to save time using Outlook by running multiple tasks efficiently?

With DigiTip 19, we will be having a look at how to set up your Quick Step recipe. When an email comes through to your inbox, with just one click you can mark it as read, move it to a specific folder, automatically send a reply and many other options.

Watch the video below for a brief demonstration:

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week! 

DigiTip 18 – Express yourself with Emojis with the hidden keyboard shortcut 🥳🤩💖

Emojis have become an essential part of how we communicate, and they can be fantastic for expressing our emotions with just a single character 🥰🤣🙄🤯😴 

Most of us will be more familiar with using emojis on our mobile phones 📱, but there will be times when we’ll want to include emojis when using our laptops or computers 💻. Instead of googling for the emoji you need, why not access it directly from your keyboard!? 

On both Windows and Mac, you can access your emoji keyboard in seconds by selecting: 

  • Windows – Windows Key + “.” (period button/full stop) 
  • Mac – Command Key + Control + Spacebar 

Watch the video below to see how this shortcut works on a Windows device. 

To follow our DigiTips, subscribe to our Digital Skills Blog. Or alternatively, you can bookmark this webpage, where a new DigiTip will be added each week!

DigiTip 17: Organise your work with Tasks in Teams ✍

Are you a planner but struggling to be productive? Do you work better with a to-do list, but you want everything in one place? Introducing Microsoft Teams Task by planner!  

You can create your own to-do lists, break these down into daily to-do lists and even view tasks that have been assigned to you in Microsoft Teams channels.  

To create your To Do List: 

  • Go to the Apps icon on the left-hand side of MS Teams 
  • Search for and install the Tasks by Planner and To Do app 
  • At the bottom of the planner, select ‘+ New list or plan’ 
  • Enter any task, select the priority and due date 
  • Once completed select the circle and the task will complete itself 

To break down your to-do list to more achievable goals you can add tasks from your to-do list to “my day” which will refresh every day.   

Watch the video below for a demo on how to use Microsoft Teams Tasks by planner.  

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