Microsoft OneNote is a great way to store all your notes, organise your work and create lists all in one place.
You can create different tabs for different areas of work. Within this, you can add new pages to separate and organise your work, all with their own separate headers. You can colour code your sections to help organise and keep track of your work. You can also create check lists, highlight important information and much more using the ‘tag’ function.
Watch the video below for a demo on using Microsoft OneNote or follow the instructions below.
- Click the ‘+’ icon to create a new section.
- Right click on the section to change the colour.
- Name the page anything you would like.
- Hover on the right-hand side pane to insert new pages.
- Add checkboxes either by selecting the To Do Tag or by using ctrl+1.
- You can make pages, subpages by selecting the page, right clicking, and selecting ‘make subpage’.
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I am a big fan of OneNote, it’s such a useful tool.