LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform with an extensive digital library of expert-led courses and short videos. We will be delivering training sessions in October 2022 and January 2023 for academic staff who are interested in using LinkedIn Learning to support their teaching.
Sessions will be available in Welsh and English on the following dates:
- 11 October 2022 (11:00-12:00): Defnyddio LinkedIn Learning i Gefnogi eich Addysgu
- 13 October 2022 (14:00-15:00): Using LinkedIn Learning to Support your Teaching
- 17 January 2023 (12:00-13:00): Using LinkedIn Learning to Support your Teaching
- 18 January 2023 (14:00-15:00): Defnyddio LinkedIn Learning i Gefnogi eich Addysgu
Please visit the Staff Training Webpage for further details and to register your place. For all enquiries, please contact Sioned Llywelyn, Digital Capabilities Officer (digi@aber.ac.uk).