New Dissertation and News and Media LibGuides

Our Subject Librarians have published not one but two new LibGuides to help you with your studies and what comes after.

Dissertation LibGuide

Whether you’re planning ahead for your dissertation or part way through it and regretting every decision you’ve made, this guide can help you!

In one easy-to-follow and simple guide, you will find all you need to understand and manage the dissertation process from finding information sources and developing your searching techniques to evaluating and referencing the sources you use.

For help and advice for every stage of your dissertation, from concept to conclusion, take a look our our Dissertation LibGuide

Screenshot from the News and Media LibGuide

News and Media LibGuide

Our News and Media guide is a clear and comprehensive resource to help you navigate the tricky world of news and media throughout your time at University and beyond.

  • Protect your image online
  • Define key concepts such as free speech, misinformation, disinformation and censorship
  • Learn how algorithms are used to target people on social media platforms
  • Understand concepts of selection and bias
  • Explain what fake news is and how to recognise it

Our News and Media LibGuide is here to help you help yourself stay safe and savvy:  

See all of our subject and study support LibGuides here

New Copyright LibGuide

As a student, do you want to know how copyright affects how you might prepare for and write your assignments? Perhaps you are a lecturer, and you want to know if showing a film or television programme during a lecture or seminar might be breaching copyright legislation? Or are you a researcher looking to protect your own work from being used by others without your permission?
Answers to these and many other questions about copyright are dealt with in our new Copyright LibGuide. The LibGuide offers not just a comprehensive overview of the current copyright legislation but also practical advice on common copyright scenarios that you might encounter as part of your work here at Aberystwyth University.
The LibGuide is available in Welsh and in English.

(Engraving by William Hogarth. In the Public Domain)

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New! Employability LibGuide

Our library services are not just here to help you get your degree. They can also help you get the job you want after you graduate! 

Students practising presentations

Aberystwyth University Subject Librarians have prepared a new Employability LibGuide. This is your guide to the books and resources that can help you write a winning CV, and to specialist advice and tools to help you Research the company or organisation you want to work for

You can use the guide to:

  • Find Resources on different companies, Industries and general careers advice 
  • Discover tools for developing essential digital and information skills to enhance your graduate prospects 
  • Research your chosen career path and prepare for job applications and interviews 

The library’s resources can help you secure the job of your dreams as you develop your employability.

Take a look at the guide here:  

Module co-ordinators: already know what you want on your new reading list?

This summer we will create and populate your new Aspire reading lists on request.

If you email the content to before July 19th your reading list will be created and published before the reading list deadline.

Please include

  • Module code and title
  • Which books are Essential – the Library will order an ebook or multiple print copies if an ebook is not available
  • Which books are Further reading – the Library will order one print copy
  • Any chapters or articles you need digitising
  • Any section names to group them under

Books will be purchased, digitisations processed and you will be contacted if there are any issues.
Find advice for preparing your Aspire reading lists for the new academic year:

books on a shelf

Meet the Team!

Over the last 18 months we have all been working online via Teams with students and other colleagues. It was great for us as a team to finally all meet up face to face, enjoy a walk along the prom and have an outdoor meeting to help plan our activities for 2021/22 (we even had the dolphins for company!).

We are all looking forward to meeting you in the next Academic Year, and in the meantime please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any help.
01970 621896

Subject Librarians
Left to right: Anita Saycell, Lloyd Roderick, Simon French, Abi Crook, Sarah Gwenlan, Connie Davage, Non Jones, Joy Cadwallader. Not pictured: Alex Warburton

Welcome to the Librarians’ Blog!

Casgliadau Collections Sign In the Hugh Owen Library

Direct from the Hugh Owen Library, it’s a big hello from your friendly band of librarians.

We want to welcome you to the newly restored Librarians’ Blog where you’ll find more on how your library supports learning, teaching, and research here at Aberystwyth University.

The blog will be updated regularly so make sure you subscribe. And don’t forget, we love talking to you, so if there are any library matters that you need help with, do get in touch:

If you want a sneak peek at some of the things we can help out with, take a look at our purpose-built Library Guides: