New Dissertation and News and Media LibGuides

Our Subject Librarians have published not one but two new LibGuides to help you with your studies and what comes after.

Dissertation LibGuide

Whether you’re planning ahead for your dissertation or part way through it and regretting every decision you’ve made, this guide can help you!

In one easy-to-follow and simple guide, you will find all you need to understand and manage the dissertation process from finding information sources and developing your searching techniques to evaluating and referencing the sources you use.

For help and advice for every stage of your dissertation, from concept to conclusion, take a look our our Dissertation LibGuide

Screenshot from the News and Media LibGuide

News and Media LibGuide

Our News and Media guide is a clear and comprehensive resource to help you navigate the tricky world of news and media throughout your time at University and beyond.

  • Protect your image online
  • Define key concepts such as free speech, misinformation, disinformation and censorship
  • Learn how algorithms are used to target people on social media platforms
  • Understand concepts of selection and bias
  • Explain what fake news is and how to recognise it

Our News and Media LibGuide is here to help you help yourself stay safe and savvy:  

See all of our subject and study support LibGuides here