AI and the Library. Week Five: Using AI to Develop Smart Keyword Searches.

Here at the library, we’re big fans of Primo, the library catalogue. With Primo, you’re not just able to find the books on our shelves, you’re also getting access millions of digital resources, all ready and waiting at your fingertips.

But with so many resources available to you, searching the library catalogue can sometimes feel frustrating. If you use too broad a search (e.g. “history”) then you are inundated with results. Too narrow a search term (“Neo-Gothic architecture in rural Chile”) and you’ve got nothing!

So what can you do? Our advice as subject librarians is to start by building a keyword vocabulary. Having a clear set of keywords will make your searches more targeted, helping you focus on the most relevant and useful resources. It’s a simple step that can make a huge difference in your research journey!

How Can AI Help You Build a Search Vocabulary?

An AI tool like ChatGPT can suggest smarter keywords, synonyms, and related concepts to make your searches more effective. Let’s look at some examples.

1. Smarter Alternatives to Broad Terms.

[Prompt] Suggest some keyword alternatives for “Climate change”

The AI might respond with:

  • Global warming.
  • Climate crisis.
  • Greenhouse effect.

2. Investigating Causes.

Want to explore what drives climate change? Try:

[Prompt] Provide me with a list of keywords for some of the main causes of climate change.

The response:

  • Carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Fossil fuels.
  • Industrial pollution.
  • Methane emissions.

3. Exploring Impacts.

    Do you want to focus on how climate change affects the planet? Use:

    [Prompt] Suggest keywords for the main impacts of climate change.


    • Sea level rise.
    • Melting polar ice caps.
    • Extreme weather events.
    • Biodiversity loss.
    • Ocean acidification.

    4. Looking for Solutions

    For mitigation strategies, try:

    [Prompt] Suggest keywords for how climate change can be mitigated.


    • Renewable energy.
    • Carbon sequestration.
    • Climate change policies.
    • Green technology.
    • Sustainable development.

    Putting It All Together

    Finally, combine these ideas for a more complex search. For example:

    {Prompt] Suggest a set of keyword searches to find resources on the effects of methane emissions on biodiversity loss and what can be done to mitigate those effects.

    The AI might help you craft a search that looks like this:

    • Methane emissions and biodiversity.
    • Impact of methane on Arctic ecosystems.
    • Methane mitigation technologies in permafrost regions.

    By using AI to build a targeted keyword vocabulary, you’ll spend less time searching and more time discovering the resources you need.

    [Responses listed above were created with ChatGPT].

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