Come and have a look around, it’s VERY nice!

Come and have a look around, it’s VERY nice!
Nearly all the building work has now been completed and yesterday the furniture lorry arrived to deliver all the new furniture for the refurbished space. We can’t show you any of the furniture yet – that’s a surprise for the official opening next month, but we do have a photo of the lorry!
Details of the new space, including furniture, are available on the last post on this blog. We’ll let you know soon of the opening date for the Iris de Freitas room so you can come and see it for yourself.
Exciting to see how plans for the refurbishment of the Iris de Freitas room on Level E of the Hugh Owen Library are progressing. The architect has provided us with a “fly-though” 3-D representation of the refurbishment so far: (by kind permission of George and Tomos architects) and come and visit the library to see a display of the plans in more detail.
A focus group has been held on the planned refurbishment of the Iris De Freitas room. Six participants joined staff and the architects who are working on the refurbishment to talk through the current plans. The focus group session helped to gather student feedback along with surveys and the post-it note board in the Iris De Freitas room that have already been collected. More information can be found at:
The aim of the focus group was to gauge the opinions of students, asking for their views about the current stage of the planning process.
The architects explained their plan by showing a walk through presentation of the current plans for refurbishment. Members of staff then asked the participants for their views, the key topics covered were
– Group Study rooms
– Quiet zones
– Vending machines
– Whiteboards
– Furniture
– Study space
Some of the current plans include 3 new group study rooms, sufficient desk space to work with laptops these desks will be equipped with plug sockets as well as USB ports. More detail of the refurbishment plans will be released Mid-March, after the tender.
If you have any feedback concerning the refurbishment please share this with us by emailing –
A photo of the Iris De Freitas Room.The Iris De Freitas room in the Hugh Owen Library will be closed for refurbishment from the 3rd of June. We expect to re-open the space on the 4th November 2019.
During the planning process we asked the users of the room to give us their suggestions for improvement. We have followed this feedback, which included:
– Study rooms
– More power sockets
– Vending machines
– Comfortable furniture
– Better lighting
– Plants
Hello everyone,
Following on from a successful launch we are delighted to see the newly refurbished Hugh Owen Library Level D in full use. Our Group Study Rooms are busy and the library floor is full of students revising hard for their exams.
The space was officially reopened by our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Elizabeth Treasure on Monday January the 8th. You can read about the launch here.
We have an album of photos of the new space on Flickr.
Please continue to give us your feedback on your new space. Post on our feedback wall on Level D of the library or email
Thank you to everyone who fed their ideas into the design of the new space. We believe you can see that your feedback and ideas impacted upon the refurbishment.
On behalf of the staff in Information Services, we wish all our students who are sitting exams the very best of luck.
[:en]Hello again!
You may have noticed a flurry of activity out the back of the Hugh Owen building this week. We have taken delivery of the furniture and the newly refurbished space is really beginning to take shape.
As we come closer to our launch date (Wednesday the 3rd of January) a reminder of the benefits of the refurbishment:
We will be increasing user space from:
This is an 88% increase in study spaces for you on Level D.
We have re-purposed back office spaces and stores to create:
We have improved ventilation, heating and lighting replacing dated systems with more energy-efficient modern systems, which saves both money and the environment as well as creating a more pleasant working environment for both students and the staff who work on Level D.
A reminder that we re-open Level D again on Wednesday January 3rd at 8:30am.. We hope to see you then and look forward to hearing your feedback on this space.
[:cy]Helo eto!
Efallai eich bod wedi sylwi ar brysurdeb mawr y tu ôl i adeilad Hugh Owen yr wythnos hon. Mae’r dodrefn wedi cyrraedd ac mae’r ardal newydd yn dechrau dod i drefn.
Wrth i ni nesáu at ein dyddiad lansio (dydd Mercher 3 Ionawr) dyma nodyn i’ch atgoffa am fanteision y gwaith ailwampio:
Bydd yn cynyddu’r lle i ddefnyddwyr o:
Dyma gynnydd o 88% mewn ardaloedd astudio i chi ar Lawr D.
Rydym wedi defnyddio ardal y staff i greu:
Rydym wedi gwella’r awyriad, y gwres a’r golau i greu amgylchedd gwaith mwy pleserus i’r myfyrwyr a’r staff sy’n gweithio ar Lawr D.
Dyma nodyn i’ch atgoffa ein bod yn ailagor Llawr D eto ddydd Mercher 3 Ionawr am 8:30yb. Gobeithio y gwelwn ni chi bryd hynny.
[:en]Dear library users!
Great news – the lighting and air conditioning is now installed and our crew is putting ceiling tiles in the ceiling frame.
On a different note, we would like to encourage all students and staff to feedback to us all your suggestions, likes and dislikes in this year’s Information Services User Survey:
We want to know what you think about your library, the Level D refurbishment and also the services we provide.
We wish you a good week,
Ania and Arfon
[:cy]Annwyl ddefnyddwyr y llyfrgell!
Newyddion da – mae’r golau a’r system dymheru nawr wedi’u gosod ac mae’r criw wrthi’n rhoi teils yn ffrâm y nenfwd.
Ar nodyn gwahanol, hoffem annog yr holl fyfyrwyr a staff i roi adborth i ni am eich awgrymiadau, eich hoff bethau a’ch cas bethau, yn yr Arolwg i Ddefnyddwyr y Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth eleni:
Rydym eisiau gwybod beth yr ydych yn ei hoffi am eich llyfrgell, y gwaith ailwampio ar Lawr D a’r gwasanaethau a ddarparwn.
Gobeithio y cewch chi wythnos dda,
Ania ac Arfon
[:en]Hello all!
Level D refurbishment progress is stepping up fast. Every week we see things changing and beginning to take shape. Most recently our crew started working on:
• Your new group study room…
• and the gender neutral toilets at the bottom of the stairs.
We would like to apologise once again for any noise disruption. As we mentioned in our previous blog posts, this will soon become less of an issue.
Please check our previous posts:
• We are now undertaking work on the ceiling
• Come to celebrate Level D reopening on 3 January 2018!
You will hear from us soon,
Ania and Arfon
[:cy]Helo bawb!
Mae’r gwaith o ailwampio Llawr D yn symud ymlaen yn gyflym. Bob wythnos rydym yn gweld pethau’n newid a dechrau cymryd siâp. Y gwaith diweddaraf oedd dechrau gweithio ar:
• Eich ystafell astudio newydd i grwpiau…
• … a’r toiledau niwtral o ran y rhywiau ar waelod y grisiau.
Hoffem ymddiheuro unwaith eto am unrhyw aflonyddwch sŵn. Fel y soniwyd yn ein blogiau blaenorol, bydd hyn yn dod yn llai o broblem o hyn allan.
Edrychwch ar ein negeseuon blaenorol:
• Rydym nawr yn gweithio ar y nenfwd
• Dewch i ddathlu ail-agor Llawr D ar 3 Ionawr 2018
Byddwn mewn cysylltiad eto’n fuan,
Ania ac Arfon[:]
[:en]Hello again,
Just two weeks ago we updated you on the ceiling work undertaken on Level D (see our last post here). We are pleased to say that the noisiest work is nearly over. Spaces are really starting to take shape with fixtures and fittings now being added – take a look at some new photos below:
• The first lamps are being installed here.
• The refreshment area is looking good!
We know that during the past few weeks the library was not as quiet as it usually is. Your patience and understanding will be rewarded with cake for all who come to celebrate Level D reopening on Wednesday 3 January 2018. A small formal opening by the Vice-Chancellor will take place around a week later.
We will come back soon with new updates and photos.
Take care!
Ania and Arfon
[:cy]Helo eto,
Bythefnos yn ôl gwnaethom roi’r newyddion diweddaraf i chi am y gwaith i’r nenfwd ar Lawr D (gweler ein neges ddiwethaf). Mae’n bleser gennym ddweud bod y gwaith mwyaf swnllyd bron drosodd. Mae’r ardaloedd yn dechrau cymryd siâp gyda’r darnau gosod a’r gosodiadau nawr yn cael eu hychwanegu – edrychwch ar rai o’r ffotograffau newydd isod:
• Mae’r lampau cyntaf yn cael eu gosod yma.
• Mae’r ardal luniaeth yn edrych yn dda!
Rydym yn gwybod nad oedd y llyfrgell mor dawel ag arfer dros yr wythnosau diwethaf. Byddwn yn gwobrwyo eich amynedd a’ch dealltwriaeth gyda chacen i bawb sy’n dod i ddathlu ail-agoriad Llawr D ddydd Mercher 3 Ionawr 2018. Bydd agoriad ffurfiol bach gan yr Is-Ganghellor yn digwydd tua wythnos wedyn.
Byddwn yn ôl yn fuan gyda rhagor o newyddion a ffotograffau.
Hwyl am y tro!
Ania ac Arfon