International Office - Aberystwyth University

Update: My adventures in Australia

It’s now been 4 weeks into Trimester 1 and I’m happy to report that I’m still as enthusiastic as I was 4 weeks ago. Truth be told, I’m definitely feeling the pressure with all the assignments and quizzes but I don’t let that drag me down, especially since I have plenty of free time over… Continue reading Update: My adventures in Australia

International Office - Aberystwyth University

Back to Australia – Second Semester

Helloooooooo, once again! I have been back in Australia for exactly a week. I’m very excited to be back for the second semester. I arrived on the 4th of March and even though it’s no longer summer it was very hot! I was picked up from the airport by a friend and after making sure… Continue reading Back to Australia – Second Semester

International Office - Aberystwyth University

7 Hacks Of Why you should not go on International Exchange…

This guide is designed to give you an idea of things you should avoid while studying as an exchange student at one of our excellent partners in Australia, North America or Asia. Don’t talk to strangers – you will make friends for life   Spending a semester or a year abroad is typically thought of… Continue reading 7 Hacks Of Why you should not go on International Exchange…

International Office - Aberystwyth University

I am Freeeeeee…For Now

Hello to ALL the wonderful people who are reading this, How are you? I’m fine! I’m actually beyond FINE because I just submitted my last assignment! I’m currently assignment FREE! I know that to some of you this may not seem like a big achievement, so I wanted to provide an insight into Australian universities… Continue reading I am Freeeeeee…For Now

International Office - Aberystwyth University

What Have I Been Up To??

  Hello from Australia 🙂 It has almost been two months since I arrived in Australia and it has definitely gone by F-A-S-T. Even though I’m currently buried under piles of books and assignments, let me tell you that I’m having the time of my life over here. I’m really excited to say that I’ve… Continue reading What Have I Been Up To??

International Office - Aberystwyth University · Uncategorized

First time in Australia – Initial thoughts

  Hello from cold Australia. My name is Sofia and I’m a second year English and Creative writing student. I just finished my first year in Aber a few months ago – even though May now seems ages ago- and had to pack yet again to travel all the way to Australia. How I got… Continue reading First time in Australia – Initial thoughts