Group Project Software Engineering: Week 9

The first week coming back from the Easter Break and we got our results back from the design specification. All round was really good comments with a few problems that was all ready apparent to other members of the group and was on the problem. We had our meeting with our Project Manager and not a lot was discussed as we just came back but a few notes came up like what to do in the integration week again and our Project Leader (Aaron) said he is planning on what everyone would do and so we can get this project finished quickly and efficiently. We decided on doing the demonstration on Wednesday 5th May 12:15-13:00 with our secondary option being Friday 7th May 16:15-17:00.

Unfortunately with the robotics assignment due in next week I haven’t spent as much time as I would like on the project however the hand in date is before the integration week. So when the week comes round we’ll be able to have all hands on deck to get it finished.


Group Project Software Engineering: Easter Break

As said in the previous post we decided to take the Easter Break easy and not assign too many tasks, and I was given a task to change a few parameters in the History tab however the pump in my computer died and so my CPU would overheat. So I didn’t have my computer for a lot of the Easter Break and when it was finally fixed I had some trouble with the task and asked for some help and decided I would do it with another peer later when we came back. Other then that not a lot happened during the Easter Break.


Group Project Software Engineering: Week 8

Having finished the meeting last Wednesday the test specification results came back and there were some improvements but as the design document was to be handed in sooner it wasn’t a priority. I was still had to finish the component diagrams but Jacob was assigned to help me. On Friday we met together and went through the program design draft and starting to see the methods between classes and writing all of them down and then doing a quick diagram on photoshop being hand drawn. Having finished this I gave the image to Jacob to put into

For the rest of the week I was mainly occupied with my artificial intelligence assignment and early this week the group managed to put all the different components of the design specification together ready to hand it in. Later was the last meeting before the holidays where we went over a few things for example the integration week after the holidays and what to do during the holidays. Because we would like to think we’re are ahead of the curve we decided to take the Easter Break easy and only gave out a few tasks ready for the integration week a couple weeks after we come back to finish off the project.


Group Project Software Engineering: Week 7

Having finished the meeting last week and handed in the test specification I needed new work to be assigned. This was when I was assigned to the design specification document and I needed to do section 4.1 Programs in system. This was summarising the programs we have and the links between them. However we currently only plan to have one so I only needed to give a brief description.

Having finished that we had a meeting at the end of week 6 on the Friday to go over what everyone was assigned and since I was able to finish the summary I was assigned to do the component diagram for the program. Having had trouble with understanding this and having not worked on the architecture until now I had trouble with this and asked Peter for help on Monday. Having helped me start this and a meeting with other members of the group I went to try and complete this section of the document.


Group Project Software Engineering: Week 6

The beginning of this week we had the review meeting for the test specification. Everyone we needed was present and we went over the document ready to be handed in. Only a few changes were needed and it was ready to be handed in before Wednesday.

With the test specification ready I am waiting for the meeting on Wednesday to see what else I would need to do and then ready for my next task on the group project.

Hours (so far):~2

Group Project Software Engineering: Week 5

This week the U.I document was handed in by Aaron and feedback came in a few days later, I feel it was a good piece of documentation and the feedback was very helpful on what to do for the next to come.

With this and having the normal meeting on Wednesday, the next documentation to be handed in is the Test Specification which is what me and Jacob needs to do. So having the finished U.I document we are able to make tests to be more specific.

Later in the week we were able to make a meeting with the people doing the JavaFx so we can go over the tests and see what tests we could add.

For the rest of the week I made changes based on the U.I document and the notes taken in the previous meeting ready for the review meeting next week.


Group Project Software Engineering: Week 4

Not a lot happened towards the end of the third week. After the meeting everyone went their separate ways and on Sunday we had a meeting. Unfortunately I couldn’t make the start of it just catch the tail end. It was about the architecture of the project and Peter showing his UI. On Monday we had another quick meeting to check on the architecture people and see if they needed any help but it seemed like they were making good progress.

As well to add on Aaron was appointed the project leader so he will, in the coming weeks help pull everything together.

Other then that… not a lot. I’m slowly adding tests of my own to the document and hopefully have all the tests we need in the next couple week.

Group Project Software Engineering: Week 3

Coming into week 3 I had a reply from Chris Price having emailed him earlier in the day. The question was about doing tests that went over multiple functions of the program. He said that in a way we could do this by having tests run off each other where the next test would be in the state left behind by the previous test.

So, for example one test would be to create an exercise, the next test would be to select the exercise etc…

Having forwarded the email to Jacob we both understood what needed to be changed to the test specification. Later in the week he sent me a message to meet to show me what he has done so far. Having changed the formatting of the file to comply with SE.QA and changed the ordering of the tests round to run off one another. He has done quite a bit. I then said I would slowly add tests to it but we were in no rush as we had plenty of time before it was needed.

Group Project Software Engineering: Week 2 The Sequel

After the Wednesday meeting with the group everyone did really well in bringing what they did in the first week to the meeting unfortunately a couple members had trouble starting but should be fine for next week. During the meeting me and Jacob presented what we had so far to our group manager, Laurence, he answered most of our questions but said for the last few he wasn’t sure and to e-mail Chris Price.

We got together with the other members of the group to make more specific tests for the UI, that being Aaron, Bartosz and Peter. Me and Jacob said for next week we would make the test specification comply with SE.QA formatting and put it onto gitlab for the rest of the group to access.

Group Project Software Engineering: Week 2

In the second week of the semester on Tuesday I spent just over an hour reading through the documentation I needed to read to start on the testing specification. Having to read the Quality Assurance Plan, Test Procedure Standards and re-reading the Requirements Specification for Exercise. Having done this, me and Jacob have decided on a meeting tonight to collect the tests we have, making sure we know what each of us has done, has to do and if we have done so correctly.

Later in the evening I met with Jacob, going into a call and discussing what system tests we could do and which sections we would do tests on. Jacob showed me the tests he produced on the different Function Requirements and his documentation. We agreed I would do tests on Function Requirement numbers 4, 5 and 6. Later having finished listing a few test specifications for these functions taking just over an hour all together. Sent him the docx and said he would compile them together read for tomorrows tutorial meeting.