Group Project Software Engineering: Week 8

Having finished the meeting last Wednesday the test specification results came back and there were some improvements but as the design document was to be handed in sooner it wasn’t a priority. I was still had to finish the component diagrams but Jacob was assigned to help me. On Friday we met together and went through the program design draft and starting to see the methods between classes and writing all of them down and then doing a quick diagram on photoshop being hand drawn. Having finished this I gave the image to Jacob to put into

For the rest of the week I was mainly occupied with my artificial intelligence assignment and early this week the group managed to put all the different components of the design specification together ready to hand it in. Later was the last meeting before the holidays where we went over a few things for example the integration week after the holidays and what to do during the holidays. Because we would like to think we’re are ahead of the curve we decided to take the Easter Break easy and only gave out a few tasks ready for the integration week a couple weeks after we come back to finish off the project.
