Other projects and blogs


Rocky Glaciers: blog dedicated to debris covered glaciers

Lindsey Nicholson blog and news related to debris covered glaciers


IGCP: International Geosciences Programme of UNESCO, knowledge hub of UNESCO to facilitate international scientific cooperation in the geosciences.

IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences): world scientific organisation, encourages international co-operation and participation in the Earth sciences in relation to human welfare

GTN-G: webpage of the Global terrestrial Network for Glaciers

IACS: International Association of Cryospheric Sciences

GAPHAZ: website of the IACS standing group on Glacier and permafrost Hazards in Mountains

Debris cover WG page of the new working group for Debris covered glaciers, under IACS

Glacier thickness WG: page of the working grouop for estiamting glacier thickness, under IACS


GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space):   project designed to monitor the world’s glaciers primarily using data from optical satellite instruments.

RGI (Randolph Glacier Inventory): global  database of glacier outlines around 2000