Bhutan start-up meeting, June 8th 2018

On June 8th, project leader Adina Racoviteanu met with co-leaders from Bhutan and India and project collaborators (Nepal, India and Bhutan) and held the project meeting start-up at Royal Thimphu College in Thimphu, Bhutan. The team identified the role of each members in the project, as well as the capacity building needs at each institution. A research plan was proposed as a team for developing a glacier hazard ranking scheme as standard protocol, and the place for the fall meeting was selected.

IGCP team members at Royal Thimphu College, From left to right: Pankaj Thapa (Sherutbse College, Bhutan), Smriti Basnett (Sikkim, India), Adina Racoviteanu (UK), Anubha Aggarwal (Delhi, India), Farooq Azam (IIT India) and Tsering Tashi (NCHM, Bhutan)

Project team agree on a protocol for glacier lake hazard mapping in the eastern Himalayan countries.