About WordPress User [anj52]

Computer science student at Aberystwyth university

week 11

  • Wednesday 28.04
    • 20 min morning meeting
    • 3 hours updated the design specification after the feedback and after the program had changed
  • Thursday 29.04
    • 1 hour morning meeting
    • ca 2 hours working on the code final clean up, my computer stopped working while they were still going, so I did not go on as long.
  • Friday 30.04
    • 1 hour morning meeting
    • 4 hours working on making the JUnit test for the program. and making the final fixes to the program
  • Saturday 1.04
    • 2 hours meeting discussing what is left of the documentation to do
  • Sunday 2.05
  • Monday 3.05
    • 3 hours working on program description I had some difficulties running the program, so I couldn’t finish it,
  • Tuesday 4.05
    • 20 minutes finished up the exercise description.
    • 30 minute morning meeting and being handed out tasks for the day.
    • 1 hour working on my tasks which was writing the rebuilding and testing section with Peter. For the final documentation
    • 1 hour helping Peter and Rowan, working on the section that Dan should have done


  • Wednesday 21.04
    • 1 hour: contributed to a meeting after the tutorial
  • Thursday 22.04
  • Friday 23.04
    • 2 hours: trying to get the repository on my laptop, ended up deleting the video files since they were too large
  • Saturday 24.04
    • 2 hours: contributes to a meeting discussing what should be done for revision week.
  • Sunday 25.04
    • 1 hour worked on an alternative way to have the name, description and video name in one object called Exercise,
  • Monday 26.04
    • 2 hours morning meeting planning making tasks for the day.
    • 2 hours worked on my task, making the Exercise factory
  • Tuesday 27.04
    • 1 hour morning meeting
    • 3-4 hours working with Bartosz, Peter and Nathan implementing our new method to the program

[:en]week 7[:]

[:en]This week I have been working on the Data structure part of the design specification document, I did not get to do much for the meeting on Friday,  since I did not fully understand the task, I asked the group, but I was still confused.

  • Wednesday 10.03
    • 1 hour: contributed to a meeting after the tutorial
  • Thursday 11.03
    • 1 hour: worked on the design spec.
  • Friday12.03
    • 2 hours: contributes to the review meeting, for the work done since Wednesday.
  • Saturday 13.03
  • Sunday 14.03
    • 2 hours working on the design specs
  • Monday 15.03
    • 1 hour reviewing the code, in a group meeting
    • 30 minutes meeting to do the review, but it got pushed to Tuesday
    • 2 hours working on randomizer idea for the code and I worked on ideas to make the code more Java-like
  • Tuesday 16.03
    • 1 hour reviewing the design specs.


[:en]week 6[:]

[:en]This week I was unable to attend the meeting we had on Friday 5.3.2021, later I worked on the design specification document, and sorted the existing code into 4 packages to make it easier to find what I needed.

  • Wednesday 03.03.2121
    • 1 hour meeting after the tutorial.
  • Friday 05.03.2021
    • 15 mins sorting the code
  • Sunday 07.03.2021
    • 3 hours working on the design specs document
  • Monday 08.03.2021
    • 1 hour working on the design spec document and a quick review meeting with Rowan on our part of the document.
  • Tuesday
    • 3 hours meeting renaming and sorting the code with Peter, Rowan and Bartosz


[:en]Week 5[:]

[:en]This week I got drafted to the architecture group, I could contribute more to the group project, I also contributed to the “pre” review meeting we had on Friday on the test documents, and worked on the architecture presentation I also took a look at the code that has been written by the UI group. I had Peter help me with getting the code to run, there are some problems when we are switching between Mac and Windows users.

  1. Friday 26.02.2021:
    • 1 hour on “pre” review meeting
  2. Saturday 27.02.2021:
    • 1-2 hours got my slides I should work on in the architecture presentation
    • looked tough the presentation and what has already been done, and how we would like it to look like.
  3. Sunday 28.02.2021:
    • 3 hours working on the video format slides of the presentation
    • 1 hour reading the code made by the UI grope and doing some small edits to make it easier to read,
  4. Monday 29.02.2021:
    • 2 hours working on the presentation
    • 1-2 hours on a mini-meeting
  5. Tuesday
    • 3 hours working on the slides


[:en]Week 4[:]

[:en]I contributed to a planned review meeting about the UI document I gave some of my own thought on the UI, to add a pop-up box when the user is hovering over an exercise to show a brief description of that exercise. I also played around with IntelliJ Making a little code that runs something that’s similar to the project.[:]