International Office - Aberystwyth University

My Exchange to Aber

Hi! I’m Eleanor. I’m on an exchange here at Aberystwyth University for two semesters. I’m from Canada; my home university is Dalhousie University, in Halifax. Dalhousie University is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year. It has over 18 000 students, although they’re spread over several campuses, so it doesn’t feel that big. It’s well-regarded for… Continue reading My Exchange to Aber

International Office - Aberystwyth University

Life on top of the world

Hi there! Thank you for visiting our blog. Let us introduce ourselves, we are Hannah and Ebony and we’re about to embark on an adventure to the top of the world, 78 degrees North! Svalbard is the land of the polar bear, aptly nicknamed ‘polar bear alley’, where their numbers outweigh the human population. At… Continue reading Life on top of the world

International Office - Aberystwyth University

My koselig little Volda

Hello, I’m Valentina, an Italian girl in her 20s who, four months ago, left Aberystwyth with two stuffed bags full of too many clothes, lots of excitement and a bit of fear to embark on a new life adventure. Actually, my journey started many weeks before that. It began when, reading through the possible destinations… Continue reading My koselig little Volda

International Office - Aberystwyth University

Norway…..First Impression

The realization that I was about to embark on an adventure abroad did not hit me until it was 6 am in the morning and I was standing in Birmingham, caffeine and sleep-deprived, on the day of my flight. Being an international student in Aber, I was already ‘abroad’ and now I was going to… Continue reading Norway…..First Impression

International Office - Aberystwyth University

Routes Lingomap: Life in Tenerife

Tenerife is, most probably, one of the best places you can see in Europe. The island is filled with touristic attractions, friendly locals and the best beaches you’ll ever see. Although most people might think “It must be quite hot down there in the Canary Islands, so close to Africa”, that thought is often untrue.… Continue reading Routes Lingomap: Life in Tenerife

International Office - Aberystwyth University

Things I wish I knew when Arriving to Aber…

Make use of Student Societies – it is not only a perfect opportunity to develop your hobbies and passions but also meet new people and socialise! You will never have more free time than on your 1st year so make the best of it and do some great stuff. Know your bank balance – at… Continue reading Things I wish I knew when Arriving to Aber…

International Office - Aberystwyth University

What Have I Been Up To??

  Hello from Australia 🙂 It has almost been two months since I arrived in Australia and it has definitely gone by F-A-S-T. Even though I’m currently buried under piles of books and assignments, let me tell you that I’m having the time of my life over here. I’m really excited to say that I’ve… Continue reading What Have I Been Up To??

International Office - Aberystwyth University

Hello From the Other Side

Hello everyone! My name is Lydia, you may have seen my posts on this blog before but let me just spoil the illusion a little. These posts were written during my own year abroad which was about 2 years ago and right now I am in fact working for the International Office here at Aberystwyth… Continue reading Hello From the Other Side

International Office - Aberystwyth University

A (half)week of children and language barriers

Today is Thursday and it’s already the end of my working week. Nope, I haven’t quit or been fired, apparently that’s just how it works so I’m now in the not unpleasant situation of having 6 days off! The law in France states that an adult can work a maximum of 35 hours per week… Continue reading A (half)week of children and language barriers

International Office - Aberystwyth University

Does she even Blog though?

– Soimgoingtotrytotravel So….. I’ve been in Bergen nearly a week now and I think it’s time I actually start updating all of you with what I’ve been doing here since then. I left Gatwick airport at 11 am and reached Bergen at around 2 pm after catching the Flybussen (the airport bus) which drops you… Continue reading Does she even Blog though?