[:en]This week I start to add more to the JavaFX program with Bartsoz cleaning up code, creating new drafts, making new bugs and starting to do research closer to the actual UI. Me and Bartosz have to start doing the architect code behind the JavaFX to actually develop the code since the architect team is quite behind on their work. I have discussed this with the project leader and I plan on temporarily leaving the JavaFX team to help catch up with the Architect team while still managing JavaFX to make sure that the team can still continue to develop. We also did some reviews of the UI document so Aron could have some constructive feedback. I haven’t done as much as I wanted this week as I began work so I to put that in my timings as well. I set a meeting for the architect to follow so when the next Laurence meeting shows they should have a lot of work completed hopefully catching up on peoples work. Finally, I also do an hour worth of research on colours for the program so it’s user friendly to all users such as colour blind or autistic.
Meeting: 2 hours (1 with Laurence and 1 afterwards)
JavaFX Work: 5 hours
Review Meeting: 1 hour
Bartosz Meeting: 2 hours (Multiple over the week)
Meeting with Project Leader: 30 minutes
Architect team meeting: 2 hours
Colour Research: 1 hour
Total: 13 hours 30 minutes[:]