Just another AU WordPress site
- Wednesday 21.04
- 1 hour: contributed to a meeting after the tutorial
- Thursday 22.04
- Friday 23.04
- 2 hours: trying to get the repository on my laptop, ended up deleting the video files since they were too large
- Saturday 24.04
- 2 hours: contributes to a meeting discussing what should be done for revision week.
- Sunday 25.04
- 1 hour worked on an alternative way to have the name, description and video name in one object called Exercise,
- Monday 26.04
- 2 hours morning meeting planning making tasks for the day.
- 2 hours worked on my task, making the Exercise factory
- Tuesday 27.04
- 1 hour morning meeting
- 3-4 hours working with Bartosz, Peter and Nathan implementing our new method to the program