Just another AU WordPress site
- Wednesday 28.04
- 20 min morning meeting
- 3 hours updated the design specification after the feedback and after the program had changed
- Thursday 29.04
- 1 hour morning meeting
- ca 2 hours working on the code final clean up, my computer stopped working while they were still going, so I did not go on as long.
- Friday 30.04
- 4 hours working on making the JUnit test for the program. and making the final fixes to the program
- Saturday 1.04
- 2 hours meeting discussing what is left of the documentation to do
- Sunday 2.05
- Monday 3.05
- 3 hours working on program description I had some difficulties running the program, so I couldn’t finish it,
- Tuesday 4.05
- 20 minutes finished up the exercise description.
- 30 minute morning meeting and being handed out tasks for the day.
- 1 hour working on my tasks which was writing the rebuilding and testing section with Peter. For the final documentation
- 1 hour helping Peter and Rowan, working on the section that Dan should have done