Our Sponsors
This is an MBA initiative event that is being hosted by Aberystwyth University.
we would like to take this oppotunity to thank all our generous sponsors, without them this meeting could not take place.

The primary sponsor and partner of this event is the Marine Biological Association (MBA). The Marine Biological Association is one of the world’s longest-running learned societies dedicated to promoting research into our oceans and the life they support. Members can connect with marine biologists across the globe through online communities, networking, sharing news, research and opportunities for collaboration. For more information on membership see https://www.mba.ac.uk/our-membership/

The Genetics Society is a registered charity and was founded in 1919 as the world’s first society devoted to the study of the mechanisms of inheritance. It is also one of the world’s oldest “learned societies”. Famous founder members included Edith Rebecca Saunders, William Bateson, JBS Haldane and AW Sutton. The Society is run by an elected committee comprising entirely volunteers from the scientific community. Genetics Society Membership includes over 2,000 of the UK’s active professional geneticists, including teachers, researchers and students and is open to anyone with an interest in genetic research or teaching, or in the practical breeding of plants and animals.

RS Aqua is the UK’s largest supplier of ocean science instrumentation and is dedicated to enabling ground-breaking science, delivering long-term customer success and contributing towards the blue economy. We provide powerful technological solutions and complete support for research projects in aquatic animal and noise monitoring, oceanography and ocean microbiology.
We are an informal society interested in marine natural history and recording, particularly in the North East Atlantic region and the Mediterranean Sea. Porcupine MNHS welcomes anyone interested in marine biology and ecology.
The aims of the Porcupine Marine Natural History Society are:
- To promote a wider understanding of the biology, ecology and distribution of marine organisms.
- To stimulate interest in marine biodiversity, especially in young people.
- To encourage interaction and exchange of information between those with interests in different aspects of marine biology, amateur and professional alike.

The FSBI is an international, non-political, learned society based in the United Kingdom, that supports scientific activity in fish biology and fisheries science through charitable activities including grant funding, travel awards and conference sponsorship, and through the publication of the Journal of Fish Biology.

Megan Elinor Jones is a local illustrator/street artist based in Aberystwyth. Megan creates huge vibrant murals which can be found around the town on commissioned walls and community projects. Recently, focusing her talents on designing and producing the logo for this year’s MBA Postgraduate Conference.