Welcome and invitation
Aberystwyth University is delighted to host and invite you to the 19th Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Conference.
We’re excited to announce the 19th Marine Biological Association Postgraduate conference will be hosted in person at Aberystwyth University from the 12-14th April 2023. We invite all current masters and PhD students to attend to share their research as either a presentation or poster over these three days.
During this event you will have the opportunity to share and learn about current early career research from across Europe and beyond. We will also have researchers at the forefront of their fields providing keynote presentations. As well as this we will run interactive workshops which will provide opportunities to network with key industry partners.
Over the next couple of months we will provide details on ticket prices, how to submit abstracts, and accommodation options, as well as announcing keynote speakers and workshops. We look forward to seeing you all here in the spring! In the meantime, you can follow our twitter handle @MBAPostgradConf to stay up to date.
Kind regards,
The 2023 organising committee